Scientific paper ID 2028 : 2020/3
Vasil Dimitrov, Petko Kostadinov In accordance with the rapid technological development and the implementation of power electronics in traction and auxiliary drives in electric vehicles and automobiles, it is increasingly necessary to continuously increase the energy efficiency of drive mechanisms and power generation systems. Therefore, it is especially necessary not only theoretical training of specialists involved in the design, manufacture and setting up of control systems for electrical drives, but also enhanced practical orientation in education, in line with trends in the development of contemporary technologies. Ensuring optimal operating modes and maximum energy efficiency of synchronous generators and induction motors depends to a large extent on a good knowledge of their characteristics.
In this regard, the paper presents the development of a laboratory stand for studying the various characteristics of synchronous and asynchronous machines, which should be used for conducting laboratory exercises, research and experiments and have to provide the following opportunities: - study of the characteristics of a synchronous generator at change of excitation and at different load. - study of the characteristics of an alternator at change of excitation and at different load. - study of the characteristics of a frequency controlled asynchronous drive. - study of the characteristics of a synchronous motor. електрозадвижване синхронен генератор асинхронен двигател честотен преобразувателelectrical drive synchronous generator asynchronous motor frequency converter energy efficiencyVasil Dimitrov Petko Kostadinov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] A. Hughes, Electric Motors and Drives – Fundamentals, Types and Applications. Third edition, Elsevier Ltd, 2006 [2] Bakshi U., M. Bakshi, Electrical Drives and Control, Technical Publications Pune, India, 2009 [3] I. Boldea, A. Nasar, Electrical Drives, CRC/Taylor & Francis Group, NY, 2006 [4] Dimitrova E., Building automation and control systems, Acad. Journal “Mechanics, Transport, Communications”, ISSN 1312-3823, art.ID: 1395, Issue 3/2, 2016 [5] The essential guide of Automation & Control, Schneider Electric, 2012 [6] Dimitrov V., Izsledvane na sinhronni generatori – laboratoren stend, n. sp. „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii” , ISSN 1312-3823, st. № 0859, t. 11, br. 3, 2013. ( [6] Димитров В., Изследване на синхронни генератори – лабораторен стенд, н. сп. „Механика, транспорт, комуникации” , ISSN 1312-3823, ст. № 0859, т. 11, бр. 3, 2013. ) [7] Miksan Motor – Asynchronous Motors Catalogue, Miksan Motor San. ve Tig. A.S., 2016 [8] Sensorless Vector Control Micro Drive – VFD-EL Series, User Manual, Delta Inc., 2016 [9] LM393, LM293, LM193, LM2903 Dual Differential Comparators, Texas Instruments, Dallas, USA, 2017 [10] https://www.vishay.com/docs/91021/91021.pdf |