Scientific paper ID 2012 : 2020/3

Ivan Petkov, Nikolay Tonchev, Valentin Gaidarov

According to data from a Russian experiment and modern SAE (Computer Aided Enginering) calculations, our methodology has been applied in order to establish the geometric shape and dimensions of an optimal element of a transport system. It is optimized in terms of both operational and economic indicators. Research is inherently an innovation for the implementation of? the influence of the geometric dimensions of the product on the SAE indicators and their operational efficiency. When operational efficiency is achieved through several alternatives, an economic analysis of the solution is made. In this sense, the study can be classified in the group of studies with applied operational and economic efficiency.

елемент от транспортна система оптимизация на размери икономическа ефективностelement of transport system size optimization economic efficiencyIvan Petkov Nikolay Tonchev Valentin Gaidarov


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