Scientific paper ID 2009 : 2020/3
Ivan Kolarov Weld strength is a complex characteristic that depends on a large number of factors, such as the size and shape of the weld, the properties of the materials of the welding elements and of the additive in material, the welding technology and the associated zones of thermal influence in the seam, imperfections in stitching etc. Numerous studies on the weld structure between iron-based materials have shown that there is considerable heterogeneity due to the difference in the crystal lattice of the elastic medium.
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the possible influence of weld stiffness and elastic medium in the area of thermal zone on the concentration coefficient of weldings. The objective is achieved by virtual experiments to determine the stress state in different parts in a butt weld. A 3D model of welded specimens has been made in CAD, for which literature data are available on the hardness of the elastic medium in different weldings and thermal impact zones. The model was created without taking into account the typical geometric deviations due to the welding technology. The areas with a relatively homogeneous structure are pre-created as separate elements and the model is assembled in CAD. The structure is loaded statically by the finite element method at the yield limit. The stresses in the weld and in the areas around it are calculated. The typical effect of structural changes in the weld on the stress state in the weld is determined. There is an uneven load, which is explained by the different deformation behavior in the different areas of the welding. The relative changes in the stress in the welding zones are calculated and values within 4 - 25% of the theoretical load are obtained. The results can justify a common coefficient of concentration in the weld due to structural changes. Структурни промени в заваръчен шев неравномерност в механичното натоварване в заваръчен шевStructural despoliations in weld uniformity in mechanical stress in weldIvan Kolarov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] A. Ramazani , K. Mukherjee, A. Abdurakhmanov, U. Prahl, M. Schleser, U. Reisgen , W. Bleck. Micro–macro-characterisation and modelling of mechanical properties of gas metal arc welded (GMAW) DP600 steel. Materials Science & Engineering A 589 (2014) 1–14. [2] Peter Kopas1,, Milan Sága1, Michal Jambor, František Nový, Libor Trško, Lenka Jakubovičová1. Comparison of the mechanical properties and microstructural evolution in the HAZ of HSLA DOMEX 700MC welded by gas metal arc welding and electron beam welding. MATEC Web of Conferences 244, 01009 (2018) [3] Mahendran M. THE MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF STEEL -IS IT 200 GPa? Thirteenth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A., October 17-18,1996. [4] Boumerzoug Z., C. Derfouf , T. Baudin. Effect of Welding on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Industrial Low Carbon Steel. Engineering , 2010, 2, 502-506 doi:10.4236/eng.2010.27066. [5] Milton Sergio Fernandes de Limaa, Sheila Medeiros de Carvalhob, Viviane Teleginskia, Moisés Parionad. Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of a Duplex Steel Welded using Micro-Arc or Laser. Materials Research,vol.18 no.4 São Carlos July/Aug. 2015. [6] Ambuj Saxena, A. Kumaraswamy, G. Madhusudhan Reddy, Vemuri Madhu. Influence of welding consumables on tensile and impact properties of multi-pass SMAW Armox 500T steel joints vis-a-vis base metal. Defence Technology 14 (2018) 188-195. [7] Dobavachni materiali za zavaryavane. Narachnik. ESab Balgariya EAD. ( [7] Добавъчни материали за заваряване. Наръчник. ЕСаб България ЕАД. ) [8] Talabi, S.I., Owolabi, O.B., Adebisi, J.A., Yahaya,T. Effect of welding variables on mechanical properties of low carbon steel welded joint. Advances in Production Engineering & Management, Volume 9 | Number 4 | December 2014 | pp 181–186. [9]. Kolarov I., G. Dimchev. Mashinni elementi. Uchebnik. VTU, Sofiya. 2018 g. ( [9]. Коларов И., Г. Димчев. Машинни елементи. Учебник. ВТУ, София. 2018 г. ) |