Scientific paper ID 2006 : 2020/3

Nina Dimitrova

In the era of globalization the need for terminological dictionaries is increasing. This is due to the desire of specialists to increase the stock of knowledge by using international experience, to exchange scientific information and to do business with foreign partners.

This paper analyzes the terminographic parameters of macro and microstructures of the Russian-Bulgarian-English Railway Dictionary.

The dictionary contains about 15,000 entries and is an industry specific dictionary intended for railway professionals, as well as for professional translators.

The dictionary has an inventory function and in addition to the specialized railway terminology in three languages it also contains general, scientific and technical vocabulary. The dictionary entries are listed alphabetically. There are no references and redundant information about grammatical categories, stress, pronunciation, origin and lexical compatibility of the vocabulary units in them. That’s why the dictionary is convenient for users and they can quickly find the information they need.

Based on the analysis of terminographic parameters of the macro and microstructure, despite some inconsistency in the presentation of variants and antonyms of vocabulary units, we can conclude that this dictionary is a modern reference manual.

терминологический словарь макроструктура микроструктура словарная статья терминографические параметрыterminological dictionary macrostructure microstructure dictionary entry terminographic parametersNina Dimitrova


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