Scientific paper ID 2004 : 2020/3

Julia Varadinova, Nina Gergova

In the report is suggested a model for effective management of human resources in a transport establishment. There are considered opportunities for uniting the management of the educational process with the systems for management of the human resources in transport companies and establishments on the basis of equivalent standard. This standard comes into view from the principle of priority development of the personal competencies by teaching and is based on accepted competency model. By this approach the role of human factor acquires much more significance for increasing the competitiveness of the transport establishments while the systems for management of the human resources become more efficient in their own activity.

It is proposed an implementation of equivalent standard based on the development of definite competencies by determining the ments of the cadres that are presented by the transport companies and by their relevant teaching.

There are brought out links and dependencies between applying the competency model and increasing the labor productivity by optimizing the numbers of personnel and by increasing the competitiveness of the transport establishments connected with the introduction of new technologies.

човешки ресурси управление на човешките ресурси модел компетенции компетентностен модел транспортhuman resources management of human resources model competencies competency model transportJulia Varadinova Nina Gergova


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( [4] Varadinova J., „Реструктурирование железнодорожной сети в Республике Болгария. Основные экономические эффекты”, VII Международную научно-практическую конференцию „Проблемы экономики и управления на железнодорожном транспорте – ЭКУЖТ 2012”,Государственный экономико-технологический университет транспорта, Киев, Украйна, 2012. ISBN 978-966-2157-50-1 )

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( [7] Размов Т. К., Варадинова Ю. Е., „Achievement of an effective and efficient management of the railway network through the re-engineering of NRIC”, Международна научна конференция „Мениджмънт на промяната“, посветена на 20-годишнината на Факултет „Бизнес и мениджмънт“ на Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“ 11-13 април, 2014 г., стр. 164-179, гр.Стара Загора )

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( [8] Размов Т. К., Варадинова Ю. Е., „Strategy and plan for implementation of a unified system for railway network management”, Международна научна конференция „Мениджмънт на промяната“, посветена на 20-годишнината на Факултет „Бизнес и мениджмънт“ на Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“ 11-13 април, 2014 г., стр. 180-192, гр.Стара Загора )




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