Scientific paper ID 2002 : 2020/3
Zoran Čekerevac*, Lyudmila Prigoda**, Milanka Bogavac* Modern trends in population migration to large cities are influencing noticeable changes in the organization of life and work in cities. New needs both new technologies and new ways of managing. This article discusses the possibilities of using machine-to-machine and IoT technologies for these purposes. Machine-to-machine communications are analyzed from the point of view of their connection, communication, infrastructure of the M2M system, standardization, and protocols, as well as the application of these technologies in transport and in “smart cities”. Particular attention is paid to access networks, capillary and WAN networks. Also shown are some of the most important M2M protocols and protocols used today for general Internet needs such as FTP, HTTP, SMTP, DHCP, SSH such as Asterisk, BACnet, CoAP, DNP3, OLE for Process Control, Radius, etc. The document also presents some practical examples of the application of M2M technology in energy, traffic management and inventory. It is noted that the further development of these technologies depends only on human imagination, and that the main problem can only be the current possibilities of the achieved level of technological development.
умные города интернет вещей IoT M2M менеджмент транспорт smart cities internet of things IoT M2M management transportZoran Čekerevac* Lyudmila Prigoda** Milanka Bogavac* BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] UN, «68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN,» 16 05 2018. [V Internete]. Available: https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news... ( [В Интернете]. Available: https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news... ) [2] E. Hartog i et al, «Smart Cities - Smart Living,» 9 12 2019. ( [2] E. Hartog и et al, «Smart Cities - Smart Living,» 9 12 2019. ) [V Internete]. Available: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/... ( [В Интернете]. Available: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/... ) [3] M2M, «Mezhmashinnoe vzaimodeystvie,» 20 10 2018. ( [3] M2M, «Межмашинное взаимодействие,» 20 10 2018. ) [V Internete]. Available: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezhmashinnoe... ( [В Интернете]. Available: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Межмашинное_в... ) [4] M. Rouse, «WAN (Wide Area Network),» 08 2019. [V Internete]. Available: https://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/def... ( [В Интернете]. Available: https://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/def... ) [5] Y. Daradkeh, D. Namiot i M. Sneps-Sneppe, «M2M Standards: Possible Extensions for Open API from ETSI,» European Journal of Scientific Research, pp. 628-637, 2012. ( [5] Y. Daradkeh, D. Namiot и M. Sneps-Sneppe, «M2M Standards: Possible Extensions for Open API from ETSI,» European Journal of Scientific Research, pp. 628-637, 2012. ) [6] G. López, P. Moura, J. I. Moreno i J. M. Camacho, «Multi-Faceted Assessment of a Wireless Communications Infrastructure for the Green Neighborhoods of the Smart Grid,» Energies, pp. 3453-3483, 2014. ( [6] G. López, P. Moura, J. I. Moreno и J. M. Camacho, «Multi-Faceted Assessment of a Wireless Communications Infrastructure for the Green Neighborhoods of the Smart Grid,» Energies, pp. 3453-3483, 2014. ) [7] B. Radenković, M. Despotović-Zrakić, Z. Bogdanović, D. Barać, A. Labus i Ž. Bojović, Internet inteligentnih uređaja, Beograd: FON, 2017. ( [7] B. Radenković, M. Despotović-Zrakić, Z. Bogdanović, D. Barać, A. Labus и Ž. Bojović, Internet inteligentnih uređaja, Beograd: FON, 2017. ) [8] T. A. Moskalenko, R. V. Kirichek i A. E. Kucheryavyy, «OBZOR PROTOKOLOV INTERNETA VEShtEY,» INFORMATsIONNYYe TEHNOLOGII I TELEKOMMUNIKATsII, t. 5, № 2, pp. 1-12, 2017. ( [8] T. A. Москаленко, Р. В. Киричек и А. Е. Кучерявый, «ОБЗОР ПРОТОКОЛОВ ИНТЕРНЕТА ВЕЩЕЙ,» ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ И ТЕЛЕКОММУНИКАЦИИ, т. 5, № 2, pp. 1-12, 2017. ) [9] T. Crosby, «How Machine-to-Machine Communication Works,» 24 04 2008. [V Internete]. Available: https://computer.howstuffworks.com/m2m-comm... ( [В Интернете]. Available: https://computer.howstuffworks.com/m2m-comm... ) [10] T. Crosby, «1 million grant fuels wireless sensor research,» 13 11 2007. [V Internete]. Available: https://news.siu.edu/2007/11/111307tjc7115.... ( [В Интернете]. Available: https://news.siu.edu/2007/11/111307tjc7115.... ) [11] Z. Čekerevac, S. Matic, D. Djuric and D. Čelebić, ”ITGfdc-1 Fuel Dispenser Control System as the Technical Solution for Preventing of Non Authorized Fuel Tanking,” in Proc. 11th International Scientific Conference devoted to Crises Situations Solution in Specific Environment, Žilina, 2006. [12] Z. Čekerevac, S. Matić, D. Djurić, D. Čelebić and Z. Dvorak, ”SDD ITG `smart shelf` RFID rešenje za inventarisanje robe na udaljenim policama [Eng. SDD ITG smart shelf RFID solution for the stocktaking of goods on remote shelves],” IMK-14 - Istraživanje i razvoj, pp. 47-52, 2010. |