Scientific paper ID 2000 : 2020/3

Julia Varadinova, Todor Razmov

The possibilities for organizing a ferry transport between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Turkey are discussed and a common methodology for this is presented. The traffic, the terminals and the infrastructure related to the ferry transport are analyzed for the purpose of marketing positioning and assessment of the potential for realization through SWOT analysis and determination of the target market. Ferry transport is an alternative to part of the land component in the supply chain of many companies engaged in international trade and on this basis their logistical positioning is done. Two alternatives are compared and evaluated: a sea alternative - ferry transport and a land alternative - road transport. Models have been developed to assess the efficiency of road carriers on the basis of costs related to the movement of vehicles and to assess the ability of the ferry operator to realize them successfully. A methodology for technological design of the ferry transportation based on the basic technical and technological parameters is presented. A basic marketing mix of the ferry transport has been developed. In this way it is presented the offered transport product (transport service with application of a certain transport technology) in commercial form with the conditions and ments to the clients, the prices and measures to stimulate the realization of it.

фериботни превози верига на доставките маркетингов микс проектен подход тарифи за превоз инвестиции сравнение на алтернативиferry services supply chain marketing mix project approach transport tariffs investments comparison of alternativesJulia Varadinova Todor Razmov


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