Scientific paper ID 1998 : 2020/3
Chavdar Alexandrov, Nikolai Kolev, Miroslav Tsvetkov, Yordan Sivkov In this paper some methods for image processing of Synthetic Apperture Radar images (SAR images) and some algorithms for automatic detection of different objects on the sea surface, including ships and oil spills, are described. Results are demonstrated based on the processing of SAR images, provided by Sentinel 1 A/B satellites of European Space Agency ESA, as well as on using algorithms for automatic detection with constant false alarm rate (CFAR Detection). Some problems are shown related to detection of small non-metal vessels with sizes, comparable with SAR image resolution, i.e. rubber, wooden or small plastic motor boats and possibilities to use their wakes on the sea surface in some specific weather conditions for detection of these vessels. Some possibilities to use results achieved in SAR image processing and object detection for solving these problems are proposed.
Обработка на SAR изображения CFAR откривател Килвателна следаSAR Image processing CFAR Ship detection Wake detectionChavdar Alexandrov Nikolai Kolev Miroslav Tsvetkov Yordan Sivkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Mednikarov B., Dimitrov N., Vasilev V., Security analysis of the national maritime transportation system as part of maritime critical infrastructure, AGA 2018 – 19th Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities, 2018, pp. 344 – 351. [2] Dimitrakiev D., Dachev Y., Milev, D., Response organizations and control strategies during oil spills, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2020, 9(4), pp. 1825 – 1828. [3] Todorov M., Substance, Structure and Performance of the Vessel Traffic System in the Territorial Waters and the Responsible Areas of Republic of Bulgaria, 20-th International Scientific Conference, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, May 2010, Volume V, Nautical and Environmental Studies, pp. 71 - 77 [4] Alexandrov Ch., Bulgarian vessel traffic management and information system and education and training of VTS personnel in Bulgaria, Proceedings - 16th Annual General Assembly and Conference of the International Association of Maritime Universities, IAMU AGA, Rieka, pp. 13 – 20. [5] Papila, I., Sertel, E., Kaya, S. and Gazioglu, C., Oil spill detection using remote sensing technologies – SAR, Chapter, Turkish marine research foundation, Publication 47, Istanbul 2018. [6] Hajduch G., A Statistical Approach of Wake Detection based on a priori Information Provided by AIS data, SeaSAR 2018 conference, 7-10 may, Rome Frascati (Rome) Italy, 2018. [7] Alexandrov, Ch., Kolev, N., Tsvetkov, M., Sivkov J. and Hristov, A., Sentinel - 1 SAR image processing for target detection and evaluation by using bulgarian VTMIS, 16th Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems, ELMA 2019. [8] Wackerman C. C., K. S. Friedman, W. G. Pichel, P. Clemente-Colon and X. Li, Automatic detection of ships in Radar-1 SAR imagery, Canadian journal of remote sensing, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 568 – 577, 2001. [9] Pelich R., N. Longepe, G. Mercier, G. Hajduch, R. Garello, AIS based evaluation of target detectors and SAR sensors characteristics for marine surveillance, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, May 2014, PP(8): 1- 10 [10] Iliev, I., Wideband signal detection with software DSP processor implemented on a microcontroller, 21st International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2020 - Proceedings, 2020 [11] Alexandrov, Ch., Kolev, N., Tsvetkov, M., Sivkov J. and Hristov, Oil Spills Detection on Sea Surface by using Sentinel–1 SAR Images, 21st International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2020 - Proceedings, 2020 I-49 [12] Kolev, N., Hristov A., Tsvetkov, M. and Alexandrov, Ch., AIS Assisted Sentinel-1 SLC Image Ship Detection, Motion and Displacement Estimation, 21st International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2020 - Proceedings, 2020. |