Scientific paper ID 1994 : 2020/3
Teodor Berov, Teodor Kirchev The present paper addresses the problem of collection and transportation of
domestic waste in urban areas. In the big cities, the modern lifestyle is characterized by the generation of huge amount of waste. Waste collection and processing is one of the municipal activities demanding big expenditure and facing practical difficulties (high exploitation costs – fuel, maintenance, recycling, labor etc.) The transportation is an intermediate operation that delivers the collected waste to the processing center. The type and number of the specialized waste transport vehicles depends on the nature of the predominant waste, type and number of collection containers, the periodicity of waste transportation, the work schedule of the specialized vehicles, the technological process of waste collection and transportation, the remoteness to the processing center, the condition of transport infrastructure etc. There is a particular problem in routing optimization of waste transporting vehicles with time windows when collecting and transporting domestic waste in urban areas. A mathematical formula, based on the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is proposed as well as a solving method through a meta-heuristic approach. товарен транспорт градски събиране на отпадъци маршрутизация на превозното средство обратна логистика оптимизацияfreight transport urban waste collection vehicle routing reverse logistics optimizationTeodor Berov Teodor Kirchev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Naredba № 2 ot 23 YuLI 2014 g. za klasifikatsiya na otpadatsite (izm. i dop. DV. br.32 ot 21 April 2017g., izm. DV. br.46 ot 1 Yuni 2018g.). ( [1] Наредба № 2 от 23 ЮЛИ 2014 г. за класификация на отпадъците (изм. и доп. ДВ. бр.32 от 21 Април 2017г., изм. ДВ. бр.46 от 1 Юни 2018г.). ) [2] Natsionalen doklad za sastoyanieto i opazvaneto na okolnata sreda v RBalgariya, http://eea.government.bg/bg/soer ( [2] Национален доклад за състоянието и опазването на околната среда в РБългария, http://eea.government.bg/bg/soer ) [3] Zakon za upravlenie na otpadatsite, https://www.moew.government.bg/static/media... ( [3] Закон за управление на отпадъците, https://www.moew.government.bg/static/media... ) [4] Rakovodstvo za opredelyane broya i vida na neobhodimite sadove i tehnika za sabirane i transportirane na otpadatsi na MOSV, http://ope.moew.government.bg/files/userupl... ( [4] Ръководство за определяне броя и вида на необходимите съдове и техника за събиране и транспортиране на отпадъци на МОСВ, http://ope.moew.government.bg/files/userupl... ) [5] Surya Sahoo, Seongbae Kim, Byung-In Kim, Routing Optimization for Waste Management, Interfaces, Vol. 35, No. 1, January–February 2005, pp. 24–36 [6] Berov T., „Metod za planirane marshrutite na prevoznite sredstva pri distributsiyata na stoki v gradska zona“, II mezhdunarodna nauchno tehnicheska konferentsiya ”tehnika. tehnologii. obrazovanie. sigurnost”, 2014,str.88-91 ( [6] Беров Т., „Метод за планиране маршрутите на превозните средства при дистрибуцията на стоки в градска зона“, II международна научно техническа конференция ”техника. технологии. образование. сигурност”, 2014,стр.88-91 ) |