Scientific paper ID 1993 : 2020/3
Kiril Karagyozov, Petya Stoyanova The report is based on research that uses a combined approach of analytical and simulation modeling, allowing to objectify the indicators of team turnover and the number needed to provide a given level of service. Main indicators on the basis of which it is estimated the number and location of mobile teams for emergency medical care are access time, population density, the opportunity to cover the area of more than 1 team. Time for employment of a team is formed by the times to travel to the location of the call, carrying out service on place, movement and delivery to the hospital and returning to the EMA center.
Using a simulation model implemented at GPSS World, the stability of the optimization solutions for location is studied and an analysis is made regarding the number of emergency teams in each EMA center, with changes in the call intensity - 0.5, 0.75, 1.25, 1.5 and 2 times the base intensity of emergency calls 0.213 pcs / min., as well as in case of increase of the service times. For the basic model, with 4 bases centers of emergency medical assistance, 20 emergency teams are needed to provide a red code A1 red - to 8 minutes, providing coverage by area and population corresponding to LOS level 0.95. Dependencies of the total number of teams on the system load are obtained. симулация на системата за СМП GPSS модели задача за максимално покритиеEmergency medical system simulation GPSS models maximum set covering modelsKiril Karagyozov Petya Stoyanova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] K. Karagyozov, P. Stoyanova, Simulatsionen model za opredelyane na neobhodimiya broy speshni ekipi pri opredelen broy i mestopolozhenie na tsentrovete za speshna pomosht za grad Sofiya, XXIV MEZhDUNARODNA NAUChNA KONFERENTsIYa “TRANSPORT 2019“, Nauchno elektronno spisanie „Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii” ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620(online), br.3,2019, statiya ID:1781 ( [1] К. Карагьозов, П. Стоянова, Симулационен модел за определяне на необходимия брой спешни екипи при определен брой и местоположение на центровете за спешна помощ за град София, XXIV МЕЖДУНАРОДНА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ “ТРАНСПОРТ 2019“, Научно електронно списание „Mеханика Tранспорт Kомуникации” ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620(online), бр.3,2019, статия ID:1781 ) [2] Stoyanova P., K. Karagyozov, Izsledvane varhu pokritieto na TsSMP po broy i mestopolozhenie spored opredelenite standarti za speshnost, Nauchno elektronno spisanie „Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii” ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620 (online), br.3/2016, statiya ID:1306, Nauchen forum “Efektivnost na transportnite sistemi”, Fakultet „Transporten menidzhmant” pri VTU „Todor Kableshkov”, 22 - 23 yuni 2016 g. , Bansko., 2016g. ( [2] Стоянова П., К. Карагьозов, Изследване върху покритието на ЦСМП по брой и местоположение според определените стандарти за спешност, Научно електронно списание „Механика Транспорт Комуникации” ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620 (online), бр.3/2016, статия ID:1306, Научен форум “Eфективност на транспортните системи”, Факултет „Tранспортен мениджмънт” при ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков”, 22 - 23 юни 2016 г. , Банско., 2016г. ) [3] Abuizam R., The Potential Deployment Of Set Covering And LocationAssignment Model: The Case Of Locating Trauma Centers At The Midwest Region, Journal of Business Case Studies – Fourth Quarter, Volume 10, Number 4, 2014. [4] Marianov V., Re Velle C., The queueing maximal availability location problem: A model for the siting of emergency vehicles, European Journal of Operational Research 93 110-120, 1996. [5] Sudtachat K., Strategies to improve the efficiency of emergency medical service (EMS) systems under more realistic conditions, All Dissertations. Paper 1359., 2014 [6] White J. and Case K., On covering problems and the central facility location problem, Geographical Analysis 6, 281, 1974 . [7] K. Karagyozov, P. Stoyanova, Analitiko-imitatsionen podhod za planirane na resursite za obsluzhvane, kato sistema za masovo obsluzhvane pri nestatsionaren vhodyasht protses, XIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING ’15, yuni 21-24 2015 g, Sozopol.ISSN 1310-3946, ISSN 1314-6327, TU,- Sofiya, 2015g., 2015g. ( [7] К. Карагьозов, П. Стоянова, Aналитико-имитационен подход за планиране на ресурсите за обслужване, като система за масово обслужване при нестационарен входящ процес, XIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING ’15, юни 21-24 2015 г, Созопол.ISSN 1310-3946, ISSN 1314-6327, ТУ,- София, 2015г., 2015г. ) |