Scientific paper ID 1988 : 2020/3
Veselin Grozdanov When people or goods move, it doesn”t matter what transport will be use. It is important that it is high quality, fast and secure. Life demands that transport must be integrated. Road transport is convenient and suitable for distances up to approximately 1,000 - 1,500 km. Above this distance, rail transport is more efficient. Is the Mobility Package, also known as Macron, designed to settle accounts with Eastern European carriers or to take care of drivers and safety? The European Parliament has finally adopted the Mobility package, which will seriously hamper transport companies on the periphery of the Old Continent. This comes after a three-year belated struggle. The changes affect the rest ments of drivers, their business trips and cabotage services. Despite repeated arguments from nine peripheral countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, they decided to restrict access to the Single Internal Market for peripheral Member States.
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