Scientific paper ID 1986 : 2020/3
Veselin Grozdanov The original building of the railway station serving the population of Sofia was opened in 1888 by architects Antonin Kolar, Bogdan Proshek and Todor Markov. In 1974 a new building was built according to the project of arch. Milko Bechev for serving the constantly growing population of the Capital. ”ROTONDAТА” railway station square is part of the general complex ”Central Railway Station Sofia”. After 1989, the importance and efficiency of this type of transport gradually decreased. From a representative place, it became a hotbed of drug addicts, prostitutes and vagrants. In 2002-2006, the square was reconstructed in order to revive and increase the flow of people. For this purpose, commercial sites were created, which are covered with an innovative tent type cover for this period in Bulgaria. The investment turned out to be unsuccessful and did not attract the population as a trade center. Even the construction of a second metro diameter of the unedrgound rail of Sofia and the situated Central Station metro station cannot revive the abandoned square.
Централна гара София Ротонда реконструкция мобилност трафик пространство за хората.Sofia Central Station Rotonda reconstruction mobility traffic space for people.Veselin Grozdanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Grozdanov V., Usavarshenstvane na sistemata za gradska mobilnost na naselenieto, disertatsionen trud, UNSS 2017 g., ( [1] Грозданов В., Усъвършенстване на системата за градска мобилност на населението, дисертационен труд, УНСС 2017 г., ) [2] Ananiev S., Kolev O., Kirilova G., Logistichni tsentrove i uslugi-komponenti na novite prioriteti za razvitie na kombinirani transporti i izgrazhdane na intermodalni terminali, statiya 0685, tom 10, broy 3/1, 2012 g., ( [2] Ананиев С., Колев О., Кирилова Г., Логистични центрове и услуги-компоненти на новите приоритети за развитие на комбинирани транспорти и изграждане на интермодални терминали, статия 0685, том 10, брой 3/1, 2012 г., ) [3] Internet sayt www.pazari-vazrajdane.com/rotondata-centralna-gara/, ( [3] Интернет сайт www.pazari-vazrajdane.com/rotondata-centralna-gara/, ) [4] Internet sayt http://vizar-awards.com/index/bg/ whata.org/awards/central-station-sofia/, ( [4] Интернет сайт http://vizar-awards.com/index/bg/ whata.org/awards/central-station-sofia/, ) [5] Internet sayt www.capital.bg/politika_i_ikonomika/bulgaria/2018/06/12/3198321_ kak_moje_da_izglejda_raionut_pred_centralna_gara/, ( [5] Интернет сайт www.capital.bg/politika_i_ikonomika/bulgaria/2018/06/12/3198321_ kak_moje_da_izglejda_raionut_pred_centralna_gara/, ) [6] Iztochnik: blog„Stara Sofiya“, ( [6] Източник: блог„Стара София“, ) |