Scientific paper ID 1985 : 2020/3

Magdalena Petrova-Kirova

The international non-profit organization Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is the founder of sustainability reporting. It was established in 1997 in Boston as its mission consists of enabling solutions through which enterprises are able to create economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. By dint of presenting guidelines the Global Reporting Initiative provides a reliable reporting structure that can be utilized by small, medium and large enterprises irrespective of which industry sector they perform their activity in. Since the first of July 2018, the first GRI standards come into force with respect to sustainability reporting.

According to GRI data, 93% of world’s largest 250 companies report on their sustainability. Many of the enterprises that have perceived integrated reporting as a form of accountability compose their reports mainly in accordance with standards for sustainability reporting and economic, social and environmental performance indicators including the International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIFR).

The current report seeks an answer to the question concerning to what extent sustainability reporting standards could be utilized by Bulgarian transport enterprises as an instrument for composing and reporting a non-financial statement in compliance with regulatory ments.

устойчиво развитие нефинансова информация оповестяванеsustainable development non-financial information disclosure Magdalena Petrova-Kirova


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