Scientific paper ID 1984 : 2020/3
Antoaneta Kirova, Dimitar Todorov The “Belt - Road Initiative” (BRI) is a development strategy adopted by the Chinese government that s infrastructure development and investment in 152 countries and international organizations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa. Geographically structured along several land corridors, including the Silk Road, it covers about 60 countries, mainly from Asia and Europe, as well as Oceania and East Africa, with investments worth about 4-8 trillion.
China is planning and negotiating several infrastructure projects in the CEE region. Chinese companies are interested in building highways, building or reconstructing railways, and building or expanding power plants (among other thermal, hydro, coal, and nuclear power plants). When you take a closer look, you can find a clear link between the China Belt and Road Initiative and the previous 16 1 platform, now 17 1. On the one hand, the CEE region is a strategic belt and road area, and infrastructure cooperation from this kind can also improve relations between China and CEE countries. It is estimated that the European Silk Road could lead to an average economic growth of 3.5 percent and an increase in employment of around 2 million along its route over an investment period of 10 years. Improved infrastructure on the key route could lead to significant time savings of over 8% of road transport. Bulgaria`s participation in the Silk Road can be realized through our seaports Burgas or Varna, if they are turned into one of the largest logistics centers on its route, connecting Asia and Europe via Turkey. стратегическо сътрудничество транспортна инфраструктура инициатива „17+1“ икономически и социален просперитет.strategic cooperation transport infrastructure 17 + 1 initiative economic and social prosperity.Antoaneta Kirova Dimitar Todorov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Worldwide Economic Downturn as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Business Cycle Report of May 2020, WIFO Bulletin [2] ERAI (Eurasian Rail Alliance Index) [3] Spisanie „Logistika“, https://www.logistika.bg/ ( [3] Списание „Логистика“, https://www.logistika.bg/ ) [4] WIFO (Osterreichisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsfirchung), https://www.wifo.ac.at/ publikationen/wifo_bulletin?detail-view=yes&publikation_id=66260 |