Scientific paper ID 1981 : 2020/3
Antoaneta Kirova The pandemic situation is creating risky situation, threatening all kinds of international activities (trade, tourism and other types of mobility) is to be studied as a real impact, in view of the various losses. The objective of a logistical response is to enable effective medical intervention, but as in other force majeure circumstances (natural disasters, wars, etc.), infrastructure, supply chain services are impaired and service capacity may be affected and insufficient. Serious disruptions to inbound and outbound shipments by air, freight, rail and combined transport, in addition to huge port congestion, usually have catastrophic effects. Regarding the risk arising from the limited provision of transport services, as well as other risks related to the global pandemic challenge, the strategy is `accepting and retaining risk`, by preparing possible options for diverting and redirecting logistics chains. The response of the supply chain to the pandemic situation is a challenge that follows the scale of the spread of the virus. The European Commission has adopted Guidelines on the implementation of the Green Corridors to protect health and ensure the availability of goods and essential services. At the same time, individual targeted measures are needed to highlight new opportunities in the current crisis situation, namely high adaptability, flexibility and proactiveness, creativity, interaction and mutual assistance, achievement of physical and financial security.
международна логистика рискова стратегия „зелени транспортни коридори“ иновативност и гъвкавостinternational logistics risk strategy green transport corridors innovation and flexibilityAntoaneta Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] European “green lanes” for smooth flow amid coronavirus, Railway Pro, Iztochnik: https://www.railwaypro.com/wp/european-gree... ( [1] European “green lanes” for smooth flow amid coronavirus, Railway Pro, Източник: https://www.railwaypro.com/wp/european-gree... ) [2] Statisticheski danni, NSI transport, Iztochnik: https://www.nsi.bg/bg/content/1771/transpor... ( [2] Статистически данни, НСИ транспорт, Източник: https://www.nsi.bg/bg/content/1771/транспор... ) [3] Obobshteni statisticheski danni za prevozeni tovari i realizirani oboroti ot chlenovete na NSBS za perioda 2015 – 2018, Iztochnik: https://nsbs.bg/uploads/content/ObobshtenaS... ( [3] Обобщени статистически данни за превозени товари и реализирани обороти от членовете на НСБС за периода 2015 – 2018, Източник: https://nsbs.bg/uploads/content/ОбобщенаСта... ) [4] Drugi, tsitirani v razrabotkata literaturni iztochnitsi ( [4] Други, цитирани в разработката литературни източници ) |