Scientific paper ID 1975 : 2020/3

Nikolay Dragomirov

Warehousing and transport activities are part of the foundations of the logistics systems and they are of particular interest for a number of reasons. First, they can be identified and analyzed in the different stages of the movement of material flows in the supply chain - supply, operations and distribution. Second, these also account for a significant part of the total logistics costs. In scientific theory and practice, warehouses are often defined only as points where material flows stop moving, which leads to accumulation of costs, and the connection between aforementioned is provided by the transport. In the context of modern competition, a more in-depth analysis is d and there are indications that the problem is significantly more complex. Now warehouses are becoming an important center in the logistics system and they consolidate new functions that adequate coordination with transport systems in order to achieve the necessary efficiency. The report presents some of the scientific views on the functions of warehousing systems in logistics and defines the role of interactions with transport. Partial empirical data from conducted research is also presented. On that basis, the high importance of these processes for ensuring the efficient movement of material flows in the supply chain has been determined.

складови системи транспортни системи складове логистикаwarehousing systems transport systems logisticsNikolay Dragomirov


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