Scientific paper ID 1974 : 2020/3
IN RAILWAY FREIGHT TRANSPORT The competitive power of enterprises in the field of railway freight transport depends entirely on the quality of the transport services they offer, which involves modernizing their manufacturing activity and managing the development of human resources effectively. One of the main sources of creating competitive advantages is the level of competence of staff potential whose formation is based on knowledge and experience of employees. This involves the successful functioning of a system for training and improving employee qualification, which creates favorable working conditions and gives employees an opportunity to fulfill their potential and contribute to the transport organization’s prosperity. The goal of the present paper is to substantiate the necessity for more effective functioning of the system for human resource development in enterprises which operate in the field of railway freight transport. For this reason, the paper provides a definition of the nature of the terms “staff development and “staff training”, as well as an analysis of the staff structure of “BSR – Cargo Freights” Ltd., which is the largest railway freight carrier. Based on the drawn conclusions, recommendations for managing the development of human resources have been outlined and the main points of a system for the development of staff potential have been indicated as part of a general strategy for sustainable development of railway freight transport.
железопътен товарен транспорт развитие на човешките ресурси система за обучение на кадритеrailway freight transport management of human resources system for staff developmentIN RAILWAY FREIGHT TRANSPORT BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Sankova V., Gornastaeva N. V., Issledovanie problem konkurentnosposobnosti rabotnikov v ekonomike znaniĭ: innovatsii i traditsii//Innovatsionnaya deyatelnost, 2014, No 3. s. 46–55, ( [1] Санкова В., Горнастаева Н. В., Исследование проблем конкурентноспособности работников в экономике знаний: инновации и традиции//Инновационная деятельность, 2014, No 3. с. 46–55, ) [2] Kilina A., Ponomareva E. V., Podgotovka kadrov v sfere proforientatsii obuchayushtihsya: problemy i perspektivy // Professionalnoe obrazovanie v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2013, No 11. s. 28‒31, ( [2] Килина А., Пономарева Е. В., Подготовка кадров в сфере профориентации обучающихся: проблемы и перспективы // Профессиональное образование в России и за рубежом, 2013, No 11. с. 28‒31, ) [3] Vihanskiĭ S., Naumov A.I., “Menedzhment”, 2006, 4 izd., M., Ekonomista, s. 670, ( [3] Виханский С., Наумов А.И., “Менеджмент”, 2006, 4 изд., М., Экономистъ, с. 670, ) [4] Magura I., Kurbatova B., “Organizatsiya obucheniya personala kompanii”, Upravlenie personalom, 2006, 2 izd., dop. i pererab. M., s.137, ( [4] Магура И., Курбатова Б., “Организация обучения персонала компании”, Управление персоналом, 2006, 2 изд., доп. и перераб. М., с.137, ) [5] Egorshin P., Upravlenie personalom: uchebnik dlya vuzov, 4 izd., isprav. N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2003, s. 720, ( [5] Егоршин П., Управление персоналом: учебник для вузов, 4 изд., исправ. Н. Новгород: НИМБ, 2003, с. 720, ) [6] Tsvetkova, S. (2016), “Sotsialna efektivnost i kachestvo na gradskiya patnicheski transport”, IK na UNSS, Sofiya ( [6] Цветкова, С. (2016), “Социална ефективност и качество на градския пътнически транспорт”, ИК на УНСС, София ) |