Scientific paper ID 1969 : 2020/3
Orlin Kolev The first stage of mass privatization is a key moment in the new economic history of the Republic of Bulgaria. Through it, much of the state property is disposed of through investment vouchers presented by the state for free to the adult population of the country. Each eligible citizen was provided with BGN 25,000 in the form of investment vouchers, allowing the investment in the enterprises to be made directly by the citizens or through the mediation of specially formed 81 privatization funds. Part of the privatization funds were formed with a specific investment purpose for investing in a certain economic sector, for example PF “Nicotiana - BT AD /targeted at the tobacco industry/”, Mel Invest Privatization Fund AD /directed to the grain-producing enterprises/, National Privatization Fund ”Transport /Transport-oriented/ etc. The purpose of this article is to examine the involvement of the National Privatization Fund Transport in the first stage of mass privatization conducted in 1996. - 1997 at three auction sessions. The participation of the privatization fund and their investment behavior in the three tendering sessions are monitored. A large part of the presented 1,050 enterprises were divested during this period and the transformation from state capital to private capital took place.
масова приватизация НПФТранспорт ценни книжа акцииmass privatization NPF Transport securities stocksOrlin Kolev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kolektiv, Katalog na predpriyatiyata vklyucheni v spisaka za masova privatizatsiya, Ministerski savet, Tsentar za masova privatizatsiya, 1996g., Sofiya, ( [1] Колектив, Каталог на предприятията включени в списъка за масова приватизация, Министерски съвет, Център за масова приватизация, 1996г., София, ) [2] Kolektiv, Kak da uchastvame v masovata privatizatsiya /spravochnik/, Serdika konsult, 1995g., Sofiya, ( [2] Колектив, Как да участваме в масовата приватизация /справочник/, Сердика консулт, 1995г., София, ) [3] Ofitsialen internet sayt na Balgarski transporten holding AD , ( [3] Официален интернет сайт на Български транспортен холдинг АД , ) [4] Ofitsialen internet sayt na Targovskiya registar na Agentsiyata po vpisvaniyata kam Ministerstvo na pravosadieto , ( [4] Официален интернет сайт на Търговския регистър на Агенцията по вписванията към Министерство на правосъдието , ) [5] Ofitsialen internet sayt na Komisiyata za finansov nadzor , ( [5] Официален интернет сайт на Комисията за финансов надзор , ) [6] Ofitsialen internet sayt na Balgarska fondova borsa Sofiya AD . ( [6] Официален интернет сайт на Българска фондова борса София АД . ) |