Scientific paper ID 1966 : 2020/3

Stoyna Kostova

The calculation of the foundation structures for an earthquake is performed according to Eurocode 8, and its parts from 1 to 6. Part 1 gives the basic ments and rules for calculation of structures on earthquake, as well as the calculation of buildings for seismic actions . In our country, according to the National Annex to the last standard, are accepted earth base types from A to E, not exactly like the ones recommended in [3]. The main parameter characterizing the strength of the ground base under earthquake load is shear modulus G. Special attention should be taken of the engineers with soils liable to ”liquefaction”. The soils in which increase pore pressure during cyclic loading and earthquakes leads to loss of strength or the so-called “liquefaction” are described in present article. The differences between recommended elastic response spectra for the horizontal and vertical components of the seismic force according to Eurocode 8-1 and the National Annex to this standard are described. The specifics of use of the strength parameters, which characterize earth base from clayey and sandy soils in the conditions of earthquake, are given. The effect of topographic factors on the stability of slopes is observed. The specifics for determination of seismic inertial force in horizontal and vertical direction in pseudostatic analyzes are given. The article is focused in the specifics of national application of Eurocode 8-1.

Еврокод 8 земетръс втечняване на пясъци псевдостатичен анализ спектър на реагиране.Eurocode 8 earthquake liquefaction of sands pseudostatic analysis spectrum of response.Stoyna Kostova


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