Scientific paper ID 1962 : 2020/3
Angel Hristov Angelov After the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union, the construction of the metro in Sofia is significantly accelerating. Its implementation is d in the Operational Program ”Transport 2007-2013” and the Operational Program ”Transport and Transport Infrastructure” 2014 - 2020.
For the implementation of infrastructure projects in the country are regulated legal norms contained in legal acts - laws (law on spatial planning, law on public procurement, etc.), rules and regulations for design, implementation and acceptance of construction works, for safe working conditions, norms for design and use of production resources, various types of instructions, regulations, warnings and prohibitions, documents for the tasks and obligations of the participants, contracts for the relations between the participants and many current orders, etc. Each construction site is specific and s coordination between the participants in the construction process throughout the construction period. The application of various treaties of national and international practice aims to avoid various risk situations and legal disputes between the participants. The developed report examines the regulations in the country and the implementation of national and international agreements in the construction of the metro in Sofia. договор метрополитен-София FIDICcontrol contractions FIDICAngel Hristov Angelov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Operativna programa „Transport 2007-2013“, Ministerstvo na transporta, ( [1] Оперативна програма „Транспорт 2007-2013“, Министерство на транспорта, ) [2] Operativna programa „“Transport i transportna infrastruktura” 2014 - 2020 g. Ministerstvo na transporta, ( [2] Оперативна програма „“Транспорт и транспортна инфраструктура” 2014 - 2020 г. Министерство на транспорта, ) [3] Zafirova M.”Organizatsiya i upravlenie na stroitelstvoto v usloviyata na pazarno stopanstvo”, ISBN 978-954-12-0270-8, gr. Sofiya 2019g. ( [3] Зафирова М.”Организация и управление на строителството в условията на пазарно стопанство”, ISBN 978-954-12-0270-8, гр. София 2019г. ) [4] Zafirova M. ”Vliyanie na PBZ za upravlenieto na riskovete pri obekti na transportnata infrastruktura”,nauchno spisanie “Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii” tom13, 3 / 2015, https://mtc-aj.com/ ( [4] Зафирова М. ”Влияние на ПБЗ за управлението на рисковете при обекти на транспортната инфраструктура”,научно списание “Механика Транспорт Комуникации” том13, 3 / 2015, https://mtc-aj.com/ ) [5] Zafirova M.,”The role of human resources in the implementation of the investment policy in the railway infrastructure” , 2018,XVIII International Scientific-expert Conference on Railways RAILCON ’18, Niš, Serbia October 11 – 12, 2018, http://railcon.rs/ISBN 978-86-6055-105-6 [6] Spasova A., Zh. Mancheva, R. Petrova „Mezhdunarodni tipovi dogovori za stroitelstvo i prilozhenieto im v Balgariya“, Godishnik na UASG 2019 t.52,br.4, ( [6] Спасова A., Ж. Манчева, Р. Петрова „Международни типови договори за строителство и приложението им в България“, Годишник на УАСГ 2019 т.52,бр.4, ) [7] Kostova St., „The technical methods for building of Sofia-metropolitan“, XVIII, International Scientific-expert Conference on Railways RAILCON ’18, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-105-6, [8] Zakon za obshtestvenite porachki, DV br. 28 ot 2004 g., ( [8] Закон за обществените поръчки, ДВ бр. 28 от 2004 г., ) [9] Zakon za ustroystvo na teritoriyata, DV br. 65 ot 22 yuli 2003 ( [9] Закон за устройство на територията, ДВ бр. 65 от 22 юли 2003 ) [10] FIDIC- Zhalta kniga - Dogovor za proektirane-stroitelstvo ( [10] FIDIC- Жълта книга - Договор за проектиране-строителство ) |