Scientific paper ID 1961 : 2020/3

Rusko Valkov, Yuri Todorov, Svetoslava Dimitrova,

In the report are considered and analyzed the technical condition of the track (its main elements), the most important factor of which depends on the operating speed of the rolling stock. The main parameters of the railway network of the Republic of Bulgaria are outlined. The total length of the railway infrastructure in the country, the average and the density per square meter are stated. territory and analyzed strategies for development and improvement of the state of the network in order to successfully integrate into the Trans-European Transport Network.

The production capacity of NRIC, as the only infrastructure manager of railway infra structure in the Republic of Bulgaria, is 28000 thousand train-kilometers for freight transport and 35000 thousand train-kilometer for passenger transport. The average capacity utilization in the last few years is about 66%. Only in certain railway sections and lines, increased saturation of capacity is achieved due to repairs of the railway and facilities in recent years.

Bulgaria”s railway network is still considered ”closed” mainly due to the insufficient number of established connections with the railway networks of our neighboring countries: Turkey, Greece, Serbia and Romania. Still, Bulgaria does not have a railway connection with the Republic of Macedonia, which severely limits the opportunities for the development of trade relations between neighboring countries and especially our border regions.

железен път експлоатационна скорост подвижен състав оперативна съвместимост Транс-Европейска транспортна мрежаrailway operating speed rolling stock interoperability Trans-European transport networkRusko Valkov Yuri Todorov Svetoslava Dimitrova


[1] Valkov R., Zhelezopatna infrastruktura na Republika Balgariya – nachalo, razvitie, sastoyanie i perspektivi, 140 str., S., 2012, ISBN 978-954-12-0213-5
( [1] Вълков Р., Железопътна инфраструктура на Република България – начало, развитие, състояние и перспективи, 140 стр., С., 2012, ISBN 978-954-12-0213-5 )

[2] Strategiya za eksploatatsiya, poddrazhka i razvitie na zhelezopatnata infrastruktura v republika Balgariya za perioda 2019-2025
( [2] Стратегия за експлоатация, поддръжка и развитие на железопътната инфраструктура в република България за периода 2019-2025 )

[3] Valkov R., Izpalnenie na infrastrukturni proekti za integrirane na balgarskata zhelezopatna infrastruktura v Trans-evropeyskata transportna mrezha, Sbornik dokladi 12-ta mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya VSU 2012, s. VІ-65-70, ISSN 1314-071H.
( [3] Вълков Р., Изпълнение на инфраструктурни проекти за интегриране на българската железопътна инфраструктура в Транс-европейската транспортна мрежа, Сборник доклади 12-та международна научна конференция ВСУ 2012, с. VІ-65-70, ISSN 1314-071Х. )

[4] Diskusionen forum “Novo nachalo za ustoychivo razvitie i upravlenie na zheleznitsite, platforma 2025-2030”
( [4] Дискусионен форум “Ново начало за устойчиво развитие и управление на железниците, платформа 2025-2030” )

[5] Lichen arhiv i Internet
( [5] Личен архив и Интернет )




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