Scientific paper ID 1959 : 2020/3
Stoyo Todorov Exceptions to the norms are often d when designing railway reconstructions. During the reconstruction and modernization of the railway line’s and the railway tracks in the stations there are existing buildings, crossing of existing railways and highways and existing transport facilities (bridges, culverts and tunnels), which impose any exception to the norms. Sofia railway junction consists of 17 stations and stops. The reconstruction project envisages the development of several lots, and the reconstruction must bring the railway sections, railway stations, railway tracks, platforms and adjacent infrastructure in line with the ments for interoperability of Regulation N 1302/2014 on railway infrastructure. The report is based on a completed project for modernization of railway sections: ”Voluyak station - Birimirtsi station”, ”Sofia central station through Sofia north station - Iliyantsi station” and ”Kazichene station through Musachevo station - Stolnik station”.
Ordinance 55 imposes quite strict ments on the design of railways, railway stations and transport facilities. At the same time, it gives the designer the freedom to justify exceptions to the rules, referring to the existing situation, European rules and norms for the interoperability of rail transport. The exceptions in the project for development of the Sofia railway junction are also of fundamental importance, which should be considered in future additions and changes in the normative documentation. оперативна съвместимост проектиране на жп линии подсистема железен пътinteroperability railway design railway track subsystemStoyo Todorov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Tehnicheski spetsifikatsii pa proekt „Instrument za podgotovka na zhelezopatni proekti po transevropeyskata transportna mrezha“, protsedura „Izbor na izpalnitel …“, obosobena pozitsiya 1, 2015, 43 stp. ( [1] Технически спецификации па проект „Инструмент за подготовка на железопътни проекти по трансевропейската транспортна мрежа“, процедура „Избор на изпълнител …“, обособена позиция 1, 2015, 43 стp. ) [2] Todorov S., Obosnovani izklyucheniya ot normite i iziskvaniyata po zadanieto na proekt za razvitie na zhp vazel Sofiya, dogovor 1, XVIII yubileyna nauchna konferentsiya po stroitelstvo i arhitektura VSU’2018, VSU ”L. Karavelov”, 18-20 oktomvri 2018, ISBN 1314-071X, tom 1, chast 7-9 ( [2] Тодоров С., Обосновани изключения от нормите и изискванията по заданието на проект за развитие на жп възел София, договор 1, XVIII юбилейна научна конференция по строителство и архитектура ВСУ’2018, ВСУ ”Л. Каравелов”, 18-20 октомври 2018, ISBN 1314-071X, том 1, част 7-9 ) [3] Popov V., Development of railway junction Sofia based of project for reconstruction and modernization, V International scientific conference summer session, Industry 4.0, 24-27.06.2020, Varna, Bulgaria, International Scientific Journal, Trans Motauto World, Vol. 5 (2020), Issue 2, ISSN (Print) - 2367-8399, ISSN (Online) - 2534-8493, pg(s) 56-59 [4] Naredba №55 ot 29 yanuari 2004 g. za proektirane i stroitelstvo na zhelezopatni linii, zhelezopatni gari, zhelezopatni prelezi i drugi elementi ot zhelezopatnata infrastruktura (Obn., DV, br. 18 ot 05.03.2004 g.). ( [4] Наредба №55 от 29 януари 2004 г. за проектиране и строителство на железопътни линии, железопътни гари, железопътни прелези и други елементи от железопътната инфраструктура (Обн., ДВ, бр. 18 от 05.03.2004 г.). ) [5] Reglament (ES) N1302/2014 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock — locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union, Official Journal of the European Union, L 356/228-393 ( [5] Регламент (ЕС) N1302/2014 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock — locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union, Official Journal of the European Union, L 356/228-393 ) [6] Kutsarova-Dimitrova K., Kritichni uchastatsi ot zhelezopatnata infrastruktura pri spirane za poddarzhane na opredelena maksimalna skorost, Godishnik na UASG, Sofiya, tom 53, br. 2, 2020 g., ISSN 1310-814X (print), ISSN 2534-9759 (online), https://www.uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_An... ( [6] Куцарова-Димитрова К., Критични участъци от железопътната инфраструктура при спиране за поддържане на определена максимална скорост, Годишник на УАСГ, София, том 53, бр. 2, 2020 г., ISSN 1310-814X (print), ISSN 2534-9759 (online), https://www.uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_An... ) |