Scientific paper ID 1957 : 2020/3
Valentin Nikolov The Highway building in Bulgaria has almost 60 years history. It goes from planned building to market-based, and since 2007 year when the country went in EU, it use pre-accession funds and EU funds from two financial periods as well:2007-2014, 2014-2020.
The conclusions of the analysis of the Bulgarian experience are valuable for the completion of the Bulgarian highways as well as for the highways of the Balkan countries. пътно строителство автомагистрали транспортна инфраструктураroad construction highways transport infrastructureValentin Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] www.nsi.bg [2] Nikolov V., Avtomagistralite v Balgariya (problemi i resheniya), VTU „T. Kableshkov”, 2011 ( [2] Николов В., Автомагистралите в България (проблеми и решения), ВТУ „Т. Каблешков”, 2011 ) [3] www.api.bg [4] www.mrrb.bg [5] Valkov R., Zhelezopatna infrastruktura na Republika Balgariya-nachalo, razvitie, sastoyanie i perspektivi, VTU „T. Kableshkov”,2012 ( [5] Вълков Р., Железопътна инфраструктура на Република България-начало, развитие, състояние и перспективи, ВТУ „Т. Каблешков”,2012 ) [6] www.wikipedia.bg |