Scientific paper ID 1955 : 2020/3
Antoniya Manolova The course in ”Structural mechanics” aims to provide basic knowledge and develop practical skills necessary to calculate building structures composed of one-dimensional elements under static load. This type of structures, also called rod‘s, s various types of beams, frames, trusses, arches, and combined systems. More extensive knowledge is given in the course on topics relevant for students majoring in ”Transportation Civil Engineering” at HST ”Todor Kableshkov” – accounting for moving loads, construction of boundary diagrams. The acquired knowledge in the discipline will serve as a basis for special engineering disciplines, as well as for sizing and design of building structures. Special attention is paid to the classical methods for calculation of statically determinate and indeterminate systems in a linear formulation. This is a necessary stage in training, as the ideas of classical methods are the basis of computer aided methods for automated calculation of structures. During course students are introduced to the computer program RuckZuck5.0 for solving plane systems. Experience in teaching and acquiring skills to work with this program are shared in the present work. The training is designed to develop students’ skills and habits for modelling and research of many types of structures.
строителна статика равнинни модели RuckZuck 5.0structural mechanics plane models RuckZuck5.0Antoniya Manolova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Bankov B., Stroitelna statika, chast І i ІІ, UASG – UIK, Sofiya, 2001. ( [1] Банков Б., Строителна статика, част І и ІІ, УАСГ – УИК, София, 2001. ) [2] Simeonov S., Statika na stroitelnite konstruktsii, chast І i ІІ, Tehnika, Sofiya, 1993. ( [2] Симеонов С., Статика на строителните конструкции, част І и ІІ, Техника, София, 1993. ) [3] Karamanski T., R. Rangelov, Metodichno rakovodstvo za reshavane na zadachi po stroitelna statika, Tehnika, Sofiya, 1976. ( [3] Карамански Т., Р. Рангелов, Методично ръководство за решаване на задачи по строителна статика, Техника, София, 1976. ) [4] Baychev I., Pomoshtni tablitsi po stroitelna mehanika za stroitelniya i transportniya fakultet, chast І – stroitelna statika, UASG, Sofiya, 1994. ( [4] Байчев И., Помощни таблици по строителна механика за строителния и транспортния факултет, част І – строителна статика, УАСГ, София, 1994. ) [5] https://www.tugraz.at/en/institutes/ifb/sof... [6] http://www.ruckzuck.co.at [7] http://www.ruckzuck.co.at/Download.aspx |