Scientific paper ID 1948 : 2020/3

Vanio Vanchev Ralev

The reliable operation of the running gear of rolling stock and in particular of wagon bogies is one of the main issues that designers, repair and maintenance staff involved in the design, construction, production, operation and repair of these important and responsible for traffic safety elements. The quality of the transport process as a whole, the protection of the life and health of passengers, as well as the storage of the transported goods, directly depend on the condition of the running gear, including the quality, reliability, durability of bogies and their elements. The reliability of technical systems depends on the condition of their elements throughout the period of operation. The elements of the wagon bogies are subjected to cyclic loads. A number of existing calculation and testing methods are indicated in the publication for fatigue failure of the material. This publication systematizes the methods for calculating elements of the wagon bogie of fatigue strength. An analyzed are the unified UIC/ORE method in modification “R-method” with evaluation according to the “σmax-r” diagram, known as the Moore-Commerce-Jasper diagram and according to Goodman”s diagram, recommended in the ERRI bulletin B12/RP17.

подвижен железопътен състав вагонна талига уморна якост.rolling stock wagon bogie fatigue strengthVanio Vanchev Ralev


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