Scientific paper ID 1940 : 2020/3
Branislav Gavrilović, Zoran Bundalo, Aleksandar Blagojević The paper presents the results of research on the parameters of electricity quality measured in the output 25 kV field of the Indjija electric traction substation in “Infrastructure of Serbian Ralways” when regenerative braking the locomotive ”Siemens Vectron X4-E-LOK-AB, A26” on the section of railway from Golubinci station on the right track to the neutral section at Ruma Station (approx. 20 km long). The results of the measurements are significant for undertaking further activities in order to eliminate the observed irregularities.
Мултисистемен локомотив асинхронен тягов двигател Регенеративно спиранеMultisystem locomotive asynchronous traction motor Regenerative brakingBranislav Gavrilović Zoran Bundalo Aleksandar Blagojević BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Romero M., Pardo R., Gallego L., Developing a PQ Monitoring System for Assessing Power Quality and Critical Areas Detection, Revista Ingeniería e Investigación, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 102-109, (2011) [2] Janda Ž., Review of Standards and Recommendations for the Control of Higher Harmonics in Power Grids, Proceedings, Electrical Engineering Institute ”Nikola Tesla”, (2004) [3] https://press.siemens.com/global/en/feature... [4] Urošević P, M. Dražić M., Report on tests and measurements of electricity quality at the voltage level 25kV while driving and regenerative (recuperative) braking of the VECTRON X4-E-LOK-AB locomotive, variant A26, Serbian Railway Infrastructure, joint-stock company, Electrical Engineering Sector, (2019) [5] Đurišić Ž., Đurić M., Deion of measurement and acquisition system for control of electricity quality in the distribution system, 27th Consultation JUKO CIGRE, Zlatibor, May 29th - June 3rd 2005, (2005) [6] Karimi-Ghartemani M, Iravani M., Measurement of harmonics/inter-harmonics of time-varying frequencies, IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 23–31, January (2005) [7] Giesbertz P., Petrov K., Quality of Supply in the Regulatory Control”, BPC Proceedings, Belgrade, 19-21 June 2002, (2002) |