Scientific paper ID 1939 : 2020/3
Goran Pavlović1, Mile Savković2, Nebojša Zdravković2, Goran Marković2 In the structure of the bridge cranes, end carriages have very important functions and importance. These segments of the bridge crane structure must ensure the stable movement of the main girder of the bridge crane along the crane runway beam. For this reason, they also have a greater responsibility in the structural stability of the bridge crane, so the choice of the geometric characteristics of the cross-section of these segments is of great importance, which is reflected primarily in theirs stiffness, as well as the connection of these segments with the main girder of the bridge crane. In this research, the analysis and optimization of the box cross-section of the welded girder of end carriage will be carried out and the justification of this approach in terms of material savings will be justified. Examples of two single-girder bridge cranes in which are in exploitation will be used for the calculation. One metaheuristic algorithm will be used as a methodology for the optimization process, since such methods have been increasingly used lately, especially in engineering problems.
мостов кран кранова количка метаевристика оптимизационно проектиранеbridge crane end carriage metaheuristic optimization designGoran Pavlović Mile Savković Nebojša Zdravković Goran Marković BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Sagirov Yu.G., Souglobov V.V., Loza O.A., Spatial design and analysis of the tense state of metaloconstrouctsii of travelling cranes, VІSNIK PRIAZOVSKOGO DERZhAVNOGO TEHNІChNOGO UNІVERSITETU: Tehnіchnі nauki, Vol. 22, (2011), pp. 221 – 225. ( [1] Sagirov Yu.G., Souglobov V.V., Loza O.A., Spatial design and analysis of the tense state of metaloconstrouctsii of travelling cranes, ВІСНИК ПРИАЗОВСЬКОГО ДЕРЖАВНОГО ТЕХНІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ: Технічні науки, Vol. 22, (2011), pp. 221 – 225. ) [2] Li H., Wu H., Study on bridge structure of bridge crane, 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2015), Guangzhou, China, (2015), pp. 1776 - 1779. [3] Ling Z., Wang M., Xia J., Wang S., Guo X., Stress Analysis for the Critical Metal Structure of Bridge Crane, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 108, (2018), 022056. [4] Spitsyna D.N., Yurin A.N., Determining the lateral forces acting on the running wheels of bridge cranes, ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВЫСШИХ УЧЕБНЫХ ЗАВЕДЕНИЙ. МАШИНОСТРОЕНИЕ, Vol. 2 (659), (2015), pp. 3 - 13. [5] Pavlović G., Savković M., Zdravković N., Marković G., Gašić M., Optimization of the welded i-girder of the double-girder bridge crane, MTC AJ, Vol. 16 (3/3), (2018), No. 1667. [6] Pavlović G., Savković M., Marković G., Zdravković N., Stanojković J., Optimal design of welded I-beam of slewing pillar jib crane, IMK – 14, Research&Development in Heavy Machinery, Vol. 24(3), (2018), pp. EN77-EN84. [7] Savsani V., Implementation of modified artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization technique for minimum cost design of welded structures, Int. J. Simul. Multisci. Des. Optim., Vol. 5, (2014), A11. [8] Mirjalili S., Mirjalili S.M., Hatamlou A., Multi-Verse Optimizer: a nature-inspired algorithm for global optimization, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 27, (2016), pp. 495 – 513. [9] Ostrić D., Tošić S., Dizalice, Institute for Mechanization of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University in Belgrade, Serbia, (2005). [10] SRPS U.E7.121, Provera stabilnosti nosećih čeličnih konstrukcija - Proračun izbočavanja limova, Federal Institution for Standardization, Belgrade, Serbia, (1987). |