Scientific paper ID 1933 : 2020/4
Irena Bozhichkova, Martin Zlatkov The rechargeable battery is one of the main elements of the electric car. It is a source of electricity needed to power the motor (s). The topic of the report is entirely focused on nickel-metal hydride batteries, as well as trends in their development.
The electric battery is a chemical source of current, whose main specificity is the reversibility of internal chemical processes. This ensures its repeated cyclic use (by charge-discharge) for energy storage and autonomous power supply of various electrical devices and equipment, as well as for providing backup energy sources in medicine, manufacturing, transport and other fields. Thereportpresentsbasicdataonnickel-metalhydridebatteriesand a briefhistory of theinvention. Thedeviceandtheprinciple of operationareconsideredindetailwithfiguresanddiagrams, astheelectrochemicalschemeandthechemicalreactions, whichdescribethecharging-dischargeprocess, arepresented. Thechemicalcompoundsandelements of whichtheelectrolyteandelectrodesarecomposed, aswellastheirdevicearegiven. Themainparametersfortherespectivebatteryarepresentedintabularform. Itsadvantagesanddisadvantagesaredescribed. Withtheavailabledata, a comparisoncanbemadebetweenthedifferenttypes of batteries. Акумулаторнабатерия електромобил източник на електрическаенергия електродвигател литиевойонни литиевополимерни графен литий литиево-титанатна никел-кадмиева никел-металхидридна оловнокиселинни химически източник заряд-разряд автономно захранIrena Bozhichkova Martin Zlatkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]. Elektromobili - Rusenski Universitet ,Ivan Evtimov , Rosen Ivanov ( [1]. Електромобили - Русенски Университет ,Иван Евтимов , Росен Иванов ) [2]. http://zlmi.com/%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0... [3]. https://valbis.com/products-2/portable-batt... [4]. http://napravisam.net?p=26554 |