Scientific paper ID 1931 : 2020/4
Krassimir Atanasov, Mirena Todorova The management of the train‘s traffic on railway sections is a complex process providing train movement depending on: the type of the line, the way of ensuring the movement in the interstations, the provision of traffic at stations depending on their centralization, the number of receiving station tracks. type and number of trains of different categories. The railway section can be regarded as a transport system consisting of interconnected technological subsystems – interstations and stations. For the examination of the parameters of the section with regard to technical equipment, the implementation of a train timetable and the occurrence of accidents, it is necessary to simulate the operation of a transport system ”railway section”. It is appropriate to regard of complex transport systems as a network of interconnected and interacting technological subsystems (in this case stations and interstations), when modelling. A imitation model of a railway section consisting of single-channel systems (interstations) and multi-channel mass service systems (stations) has been developed. This model makes it possible to realize the running of trains under different station and train traffic parameters, by using the General Purpose Simulation System (GPSS). The model allows for the examination of the system and its parameters at different technical equipment and train traffic size. The developed model can be applied for each studied section when setting the input parameters.
имитационен модел; железопътен участък; GPSS-софтуерimitation model; railway section; GPSS-softwareKrassimir Atanasov Mirena Todorova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kachaunov T. Tr., „Modelirane i nadezhdnost na prevozniya protses”, Sofiya, VTU „Todor Kableshkov”, 1997 ( [1] Качаунов Т. Тр., „Моделиране и надеждност на превозния процес”, София, ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков”, 1997 ) [2] Kachaunov T, Karagyozov K., Kupenov D., Razmov T., „Imitatsionno modelirane na transportnite protsesi“, Sofiya, VVTU „Todor Kableshkov”, 1998. ( [2] Качаунов Т, Карагьозов К., Купенов Д., Размов Т., „Имитационно моделиране на транспортните процеси“, София, ВВТУ „Тодор Каблешков”, 1998. ) [3] Kachaunov T. Tr., “Modelirane i optimizatsiya na transportnite protsesi”, vtoro preraboteno izdanie, pechatnitsa pri VTU “Todor Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2005 g. ( [3] Качаунов Т. Тр., “Моделиране и оптимизация на транспортните процеси”, второ преработено издание, печатница при ВТУ “Тодор Каблешков”, София, 2005 г. ) [4] Razmov T., “Analiz na transportni sistemi, chrez diskretno-satbitiyno modelirane“ - Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii ISSN 1312-3823, tom 11, broy 3, 2013 g. statiya № 0781 ( [4] Размов Т., “Анализ на транспортни системи, чрез дискретно-сътбитийно моделиране“ - Механика Транспорт Комуникации ISSN 1312-3823, том 11, брой 3, 2013 г. статия № 0781 ) [5] Raykov, R. Organizatsiya i upravlenie na zhelezopatniya transport. pechatna baza pri vmei ”lenin” - sofiya ,. s., 1985. ( [5] Райков, Р. Организация и управление на железопътния транспорт. печатна база при вмеи ”ленин” - софия ,. с., 1985. ) [6] Normativni aktove v zhelezopatniya transport., S., Ministerstvo na transporta., 2006. ( [6] Нормативни актове в железопътния транспорт., С., Министерство на транспорта., 2006. ) [7] GPSS World - Minuteman Software [8] Todorova M, GPSS Simulation of Coach Yard Operation and Application of the Model to Optimize Performance, 22nd International Symposium EURO - Zel 2014 ”Recent Challenges for European Railways”, 03 - 04 June 2014, Žilina (Slovak Republic). |