Scientific paper ID 1930 : 2020/4
Nikolay Nanev Construction is developing and growing and brings big revenues. That is why it occupies an important place in the country`s economy. However, there is also a lot of construction waste. A policy has been adopted for the management of this waste, according to which the reuse, recycling and recovery of energy from waste is applied to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help combat climate change. In implementation of the adopted policy, new ments are introduced for the management and recycling of construction waste and for the use of recycled construction materials in construction. They oblige the contracting authorities for construction and installation works to ensure selective separation and recycling of construction waste. Recycled construction materials can be placed on the market or used in construction when they have been prepared for re-use and recycling activities, as well as conformity assessment in compliance with environmental parameters.
The aim of the policy is to create conditions for recycling and reuse of construction materials, and by 2020, 70% of the amount of construction waste generated must be recycled. транспорт строителни отпадъци нормативна база.transport construction waste regulatory frameworkNikolay Nanev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Naredba za upravlenie na stroitelnite otpadatsi i za vlagane na retsiklirani stroitelni materiali ( [1] Наредба за управление на строителните отпадъци и за влагане на рециклирани строителни материали ) [2] Naredba za upravlenie na otpadatsite i poddarzhane i opazvane na chistotata na teritoriyata na Stolichna obshtina ( [2] Наредба за управление на отпадъците и поддържане и опазване на чистотата на територията на Столична община ) [3] Natsionalen strategicheski plan za upravlenie na otpadatsite ot stroitelstvo i razrushavane na teritoriyata na R. Balgariya za perioda 2011-2020 g. ( [3] Национален стратегически план за управление на отпадъците от строителство и разрушаване на територията на Р. България за периода 2011-2020 г. ) |