Scientific paper ID 1929 : 2020/4
Lidia Velova, Nikola Iliev, Diyan Donev, Alexander Georgiev, Dimitar Zahariev, Todor Georgiev This paper presents a business idea for creating and managing a guest house. For this purpose, a business plan is created, which s all the inherent activities of business planning. This Business Plan considers the possibility of developing a guest house in the town of Sapareva Banya, which will work all year round.
The potential users of the services have been identified. Attention is paid to the competition and the competitive advantages of the established company and its activity. The tourist product is everything that satisfies the needs and desires that can be offered on the market in order to attract attention, acquisition, use and consumption. In this case, our product is a service. A SWOT analysis with evaluation of all countries is presented. A financial analysis of the business idea was made, in which the financial indicators influencing the activity of the company were analyzed. In the future, activities are planned related to maintaining relations with local organizations working in the field of tourism, participation in projects aimed at the development of tourism as a whole at local and national level. This will contribute to the promotion of our services. бизнес идея планиране финанси SWOT анализ къща за гости конкуренция.business idea planning finance SWOT analysis guest house competition.Lidia Velova Nikola Iliev Diyan Donev Alexander Georgiev Dimitar Zahariev Todor Georgiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] D. Todorova, E.Zhelezov, „Rakovodstvo po tsenoobrazuvane na transportnata usluga”, VTU „T. Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2010 ( [1] Д. Тодорова, Е.Железов, „Ръководство по ценообразуване на транспортната услуга”, ВТУ „Т. Каблешков”, София, 2010 ) [2] D. Todorova D., „Izgotvyane na biznes plan - Praktichesko rakovodstvo”, VTU „T. Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2011 ( [2] Д. Тодорова Д., „Изготвяне на бизнес план - Практическо ръководство”, ВТУ „Т. Каблешков”, София, 2011 ) [3] N. Naydenov, „Prognozirane i planirane“, UI „Stopanstvo”, Sofiya, 2002 ( [3] Н. Найденов, „Прогнозиране и планиране“, УИ „Стопанство”, София, 2002 ) [4] K. Kaligorov, K.Kamenov, T.Halacheva, M. Kaligorova, „Biznes sreda i malak biznes”, Svishtov, 2004 ( [4] К. Калигоров, К.Каменов, Т.Халачева, М. Калигорова, „Бизнес среда и малък бизнес”, Свищов, 2004 ) [5] A. Kirova, Lektsionen kurs po distsiplinata «Planirane i prognozirane v transporta», 2020 ( [5] А. Кирова, Лекционен курс по дисциплината «Планиране и прогнозиране в транспорта», 2020 ) |