Scientific paper ID 1928 : 2020/4
Andrean Valeriev Varbanov, Tatiana Todorova Spasova Based on our friendship and our family and common interests and goals, we decided to create a company with the subject of activity ”Hospitality”. We decided to be in the field of hospitality, because in our region Vidin there is not much competition. We will make the holiday complex in the area of Bozhuritsa, because there are good conditions for this activity and very little competition.
There is also the only forest of its kind made of tall oak, where an eco trail has been built. The company is newly established and has a legal form Ltd. The share capital of the company is BGN 50,000. Two partners with equal share contributions of BGN 25,000 each. The name of the holiday complex is ”Varbanovi”. Our company offers rental of rooms for a longer period of time for your rest, relaxation and other various services: massages (aromatic and relaxing), fitness, sauna, walks in the area. Customers who wish can visit our restaurant, pool or garden. Our mission is not only the construction of a complex located in the vicinity of Vidin, but also a place where our guests will feel comfortable, relaxed and enjoy nature. бизнес план идея финанси SWOT анализ конкуренция.business plan idea finance SWOT analysis competition.Andrean Valeriev Varbanov Tatiana Todorova Spasova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] D. Todorova D., „Izgotvyane na biznes plan - Praktichesko rakovodstvo”, VTU „T. Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2011 ( [1] Д. Тодорова Д., „Изготвяне на бизнес план - Практическо ръководство”, ВТУ „Т. Каблешков”, София, 2011 ) [2] N. Naydenov, „Prognozirane i planirane“, UI „Stopanstvo”, Sofiya, 2002 ( [2] Н. Найденов, „Прогнозиране и планиране“, УИ „Стопанство”, София, 2002 ) [3] K. Kaligorov, K. Kamenov, T. Halacheva, M. Kaligorova, „Biznes sreda i malak biznes”, Svishtov, 2004 ( [3] К. Калигоров, К. Каменов, Т. Халачева, М. Калигорова, „Бизнес среда и малък бизнес”, Свищов, 2004 ) [4] A. Kirova, Lektsionen kurs po distsiplinata «Planirane i prognozirane v transporta», 2020 ( [4] А. Кирова, Лекционен курс по дисциплината «Планиране и прогнозиране в транспорта», 2020 ) |