Scientific paper ID 1927 : 2020/4

Veselka Kovacheva, Valentina Velichkova, Borislava Borisova, Deyan Petrov

The idea to start a business is dictated by the fact that the Bulgarian market is full of abundant goods from Turkey and China, and the products of Bulgarian manufacturers that produce high quality children”s clothing are underrepresented. ”Children”s World” Ltd. relies not on the volumes, but on the variety and quality of goods offered.

In our hectic daily lives, people try to save as much time as possible. Through online sales, this will be a step in that direction. The goal is for the customer to remain satisfied, for him to decide to visit our store again and to attract more customers after him.

The company ”Children”s World” Ltd. is registered with headquarters and registered office in Sofia. The project will invest equity in the amount of BGN 50,000 thousand, raised from contributions of the partners (5 partners of BGN 10,000 each).

The business plan is drawn up for a period of three years with a projected profit of BGN 9,400 within a three-year period (for the first, second and third years, respectively).

The main strategy on which the business plan is based is marketing (niche market strategy).

бизнес план детски дрехи анализи конкуренция предимства.business plan children”s clothes analyzes competition advantages.Veselka Kovacheva Valentina Velichkova Borislava Borisova Deyan Petrov


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