Scientific paper ID 1922 : 2020/4

Plamen Parushev

The report expresses only the author`s opinion on the conformity of the national socially expressed system of legislation with the united internal European market. Part: at first glance, looking into the near future only involves the question of predicting the international behavior of Turkey and mainland China as third countries to the EU. Balance of competition from the EU? For word in the text author reproduces the form of low explanation by the pieces of information of official newspaper of EU, so-called “Blue rule” to raise the curtain over specifically Brussel’s ments of state’s obligations towards movement mainly of the commodities on the free and united European market, internal regulations and limitation, ecological accent on the condition of production. Review of the duties of the direction, (department, but with the statute of agency – abbr. in Bulgarian language, ДАМТН), preposition for possible structure’s change. Structure of the agency bg, new identification, coordination’s, stimulation of the small and medium range business, difference between the old and new approach to the verification of the quality of the products. Look at the future – changeable energy’s environment for goods productions. Green deals, some conclusions on the internal market as needed condition – reglamentation and regulation as guarantee for harmless internal Bulgarian market.

идентификация на държавния правителствения статут на Агенцията за метрологичен и технически надзор стимулиране (на малкия и среден бизнес) повече продукти за верификация стеснен спектър за административно/наказателна процедура.identification of the stPlamen Parushev


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