Scientific paper ID 1915 : 2020/2
Plamen Parushev The exhibition is a theoretical attempt for a multilateral approach to the internal market of the European Union, bearing the CE marking on products offered within the scope of DG MARK. The market for d transit corridors is seen as an alternative to isolationism, in parallel with the commercial policy of European globalization beyond the Union. The unofficial steps towards creating a social structure for a ”deep”, ”parallel” state draw attention to the internal contradictions in the European Union regarding the various future alternatives.
Control over the market’s products with symbol “CE”, effect and impact of such products on the common European market (common as purpose) and on national production. Needed conditions for export trade police after the pandemic covid – 19. Control on the “CE” mark products, producing by European firms in China is needed, because the low cost of the labor force isn’t quarantine for the quality of the imported commodities. Some notes for the “communistic capitalism” in China with orientation – production of goods without deficit. For production’s (productive) potential of Bulgaria. Consideration about the role of the coming global recession, depression and drop of the gross national product. Liberal model already is ald. fashion model, government participation as owner and organizer of the agrarian and industrial production, historic model isn’t simile reifies conditions. Changeable structure of the market society the role of European projects, reversalism, alienation, the role of administrative local and central, needed for new decisions and for better function toward public interest of the government budget. European future and Bulgaria’s alternative’s different names of EU, different projects for European future. Bulgaria near to Germany, Bulgaria as buffer between Germany and Turkey, ambition the country to save the participation in to EU as strategic partner. Economic survival as alternative in conditions covid – 19, pandemic. Many tutorials for the phenomenon coronavirus, assumption for the existence of deep state especially in some western European counters. European form of globalism and Bulgarian difficulties, the transitional period is over already started the policy of national decisions. търговски стоков пазар алиенирано общество децентрализирано производство риварсализъм държава пазар европейски глобализъм.commercial commodity market allied society decentralized production riversalism state market European globalism.Plamen Parushev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Prilozhenie v koeto sa posocheni vidovete produkti… https://www.damtn.government.bg/za-nas/stru... posledno izpolzvane na elektronniya resurs (12.04.2020 g./ 23:15 chasa). ( [1] Приложение в което са посочени видовете продукти… https://www.damtn.government.bg/za-nas/stru... последно използване на електронния ресурс (12.04.2020 г./ 23:15 часа). ) |