Scientific paper ID 1912 : 2020/1
Stanislav Tsvetkov, Maya Delcheva The water tower (column) is a vertical cylindrical tank for water storage. The column in the article is made of reinforced concrete with wall constructive system.
The volume of the facility is divided into: regulating and emergency stocks. In normal operation, only the upper part of the volume (the so-called ”regulating”) is used, which has the height necessary to achieve the free pressure in the water supply network. At the bottom is stored the so-called. ”Emergency stock”. In case of emergency operation of the water supply system, a significant reduction of the pressure in the installation is allowed. In metallurgical plants, for example, in emergency mode, it is necessary to ensure the supply of water to the most responsible cooling facilities, allowing a considerable reduction of the pressure, compared to the ments for normal operation. Of interest in this facility are the additional hydrodynamic masses from the seismic action of the fluid. In addition to the impulsive and convective masses, are add and the so-called dynamic (for flexibility of the construction) masses, with using ”transformed” (equivalent) impacts from these masses. The main results for reinforcement bars and checks are presented from the computer analyzes. Proposed are author”s check to determine of the reinforcement bars in meridian direction from the skeleton in the connection ”foundation-wall”, which serve to counteract of overturning moment from the hydrodynamic action of the water. After all, it turns out that the facility is being constructed economically. These types of facilities are suitable not only for industrial purposes. водонапорна колона (изцяло пълен вертикален резервоар без опорна носеща конструкция) хидродинамични маси Tower 7water column (full vertical tank without supporting structure) hydrodynamic masses Tower 7 (software)Stanislav Tsvetkov Maya Delcheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Georgiev G., St. Tsvetkov, Rakovodstvo za proektirane na spetsialni stomanobetonni konstruktsii po Evrokodove, chast Parva, glava Vtora: Proektirane na rezervoari (Podgotovka na kursov proekt), VSU, S., 2014 ( [1] Георгиев Г., Ст. Цветков, Ръководство за проектиране на специални стоманобетонни конструкции по Еврокодове, част Първа, глава Втора: Проектиране на резервоари (Подготовка на курсов проект), ВСУ, С., 2014 ) [2] Georgiev G., St. Tsvetkov, Rakovodstvo za proektirane na spetsialni stomanobetonni konstruktsii po Evrokodove, chast Vtora: Seizmichen analiz na saorazheniyata, VSU, S., 2016 ( [2] Георгиев Г., Ст. Цветков, Ръководство за проектиране на специални стоманобетонни конструкции по Еврокодове, част Втора: Сеизмичен анализ на съоръженията, ВСУ, С., 2016 ) [3] Tsankov Ts., R. Arsov, Osnovi na hidravlikata, Vodosnabdyavane i kanalizatsiya, Tehnika, S., 1991 ( [3] Цанков Ц., Р. Арсов, Основи на хидравликата, Водоснабдяване и канализация, Техника, С., 1991 ) [4] Tsvetkov St., Antiseizmichno osiguryavane na spetsialni stomanobetonni konstruktsii, Disertatsionen trud za poluchavane na ONS „Doktor“, VSU, S., 2018 ( [4] Цветков Ст., Антисеизмично осигуряване на специални стоманобетонни конструкции, Дисертационен труд за получаване на ОНС „Доктор“, ВСУ, С., 2018 ) [5] J. G. (Greg) Soules, P.E., S.E. Originally developed by Harold O. Sprague, Jr., P.E, Chapter 13: Nonbuilding Structure Design, FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples, ( https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nibs.org/resource... [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/... |