Scientific paper ID 1911 : 2020/1
Ivan Zhelyazkov This report offers an up-to-date interpretation of the energy significance of the black sea region in the context of the geopolitical interests of the main players in the field of energy security and energy infrastructure construction.
An alternative approach is proposed to assess and analyze the importance of energy security for national security. An attempt was made to prove the geo-regional significance of the Black sea and the Caspian sea for the regional security of the Balkan Peninsula. Emphasis is placed on effective policies that can be directed, first and foremost, to the creation of a new joint energy space with multi-agent management and use of intelligent systems, the supply of innovative energy equipment and services, common initiatives for an environmentally friendly Caspian region. It is proved that the state approach to the organization and functioning of the energy sector and its legal support is manifested precisely in the development, adoption and implementation of effective and appropriate federal laws and other regulations, including the adoption of the country`s energy strategy. Черноморски регион геополитика енергийна сигурност съвместни проекти конфигурация на силите енергийна инфраструктура геополитическо влияние.Black sea region geopolitics energy security joint projects configuration of forces energy infrastructuIvan Zhelyazkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Bocheva, Nadezhda. Rusiya uvelichava iznosa na prerabotena produktsiya. //investor.bg ( [1] Бочева, Надежда. Русия увеличава износа на преработена продукция. //investor.bg ) [18.02.2020] https://www.investor.bg/centralna-i-iztochn... [2] Milina, Velichka. Novata paradigma na energiynata sigurnost. ISBN 978-954-9348-42-2 // https://rndc.bg/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/... ( [2] Милина, Величка. Новата парадигма на енергийната сигурност. ISBN 978-954-9348-42-2 // https://rndc.bg/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/... ) [18.02.2020] [3] Petkova, Delyana. Petrolniyat sektor na Rusiya zapochna da se vazstanovyava ot krizata. //investor.bg ( [3] Петкова, Деляна. Петролният сектор на Русия започна да се възстановява от кризата. //investor.bg ) [18.02.2020] https://www.investor.bg/surovini/365/a/petr... [4] Daniela Todorova, Miryana Evtimova, Kragova ikonomika i ekologichna sigurnost, sp. Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii, br. 3/1, 2017, ISSN 1312-3823 ( [4] Даниела Тодорова, Миряна Евтимова, Кръгова икономика и екологична сигурност, сп. Механика Транспорт Комуникации, бр. 3/1, 2017, ISSN 1312-3823 ) [5] Daniela Todorova, Miryana Evtimova, Kragova ikonomika: bruten vatreshen produkt i ekologichen otpechatak, sp. Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii, br. 3/1, 2019, ISSN 1312-3823 ( [5] Даниела Тодорова, Миряна Евтимова, Кръгова икономика: брутен вътрешен продукт и екологичен отпечатък, сп. Механика Транспорт Комуникации, бр. 3/1, 2019, ISSN 1312-3823 ) |