Scientific paper ID 1910 : 2020/1

Todor Razmov

A methodology for determining the d, maximum and reserve capacity of the entire railway network is presented. For this purpose, summarized, publicly available and aggregated data from the National Statistical Institute and the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) is used. The methodology envisages the use only of annual data on the transported passengers and goods on the railway network, the work performed by the railway transport, the trains work done in the railway network, the average velocity realized in the railway network and the data on the length of the railway network and the number of the inter-stations. The methodology provides two options. The first option represents the determination of the capacity and its reserve applied for a trains schedule that does not have pre-planned interruptions to the movement. The second option applies for a trains schedule with scheduled movement interruptions of predetermined duration. An impact assessment has been made of the average annual speed realized in the railway network and the duration of the planned interruptions d in the trains schedule on the maximum capacity of the railway network and its reserve. The methodology is intended for a summarized evaluation of the maximum capacity and reserve capacity of the entire railway network. The methodology has been implemented and tested with real data, and the results are presented and analyzed in this paper.

железопътна мрежа необходим капацитет на железопътната мрежа максимален капацитет на железопътната мрежа резерв на капацитета на железопътната мрежа планово прекъсване на движението на влаковете агрегирани данниrailway network d capacity of the raiTodor Razmov


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[5] Natsionalen statisticheski institut,
( [5] Национален статистически институт, )




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