Scientific paper ID 1906 : 2020/1
Christina Nikolova The paper presents the main characteristics and the role of urban mobility plans for intelligent transport systems development and for providing higher quality of urban transport services. The main aspects and elements of ITS-plans and projects are clarified and their impact on sustainable development of urban regions are discussed. An overview of the urban mobility plans on the European level is made and the perspectives for deploying ITS in achieving the goals for sustainable urban mobility are outlined.
The paper discusses the opportunities provided by the urban mobility plans for working out urban mobility policies in order to achieve an adequate investments’ return and to guarantee compatibility and coherence with the others urban and regional measures. The role of existing infrastructure optimization and the application of big data systems is underlined with regards to better serving and governing the increasing demand for transport and mobility. The benefits of ITS deployment in urban environment with the purpose of increasing efficiency and efficacy of urban mobility are summarized and the application of appropriate measures and instruments for selection of different ITS corresponding with the different urban policy goals are outlined. Finally, the main benefits and opportunities, related to the implementation of urban mobility plans for developing the urban environment are summarized. планове за градска мобилност интелигентни транспортни системи.intelligent transport systems urban mobility plans.Christina Nikolova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Komisiya na Evropeyskite Obshtnosti, 2008. Plan za deystvie za vnedryavane na inteligentnite transportni sistemi v Evropa, Bryuksel: Komisiya na Evropeyskite Obshtnosti. ( [1] Комисия на Европейските Общности, 2008. План за действие за внедряване на интелигентните транспортни системи в Европа, Брюксел: Комисия на Европейските Общности. ) [2] Komisiya na Evropeyskite Obshtnosti, 2009. Plan za deystvie za gradska mobilnost, Bryuksel: Evropeyska komisiya. ( [2] Комисия на Европейските Общности, 2009. План за действие за градска мобилност, Брюксел: Европейска комисия. ) [3] European Commission, 2013. Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility, Brussels: European Commission. [4] European Commission, 2013. Mobilising Intelligent Transport Systems for EU cities. [Onlayn]. Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/sites/transp... ( [Онлайн]. Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/sites/transp... ) [5] Urban ITS Expert Group, 2013. Guidelines for ITS deployment in urban areas, Lyon: Urban ITS Expert Group. [6] European Commission, 2010. Directive 2010/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2010 on the framework for the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport. Official Journal of the European Union, vol. 1, 6 8 2010. |