Scientific paper ID 1904 : 2020/1
Yousef Mohamed Ali Ramadan, Salih Šutković, Daniela Todorova, Nada Živanović Research shows that the conventional way (which adheres to the usual rules and forms) of looking at changes from the economic point of view in entrepreneurship, focuses on ”entrepreneurial events” that more closely determine the social and cultural environment. Here the entrepreneurial event is marked by corporate initiative-taking ideas, and their implementation in practice. Further important determinants in this environment the consolidation of resources, management of these resources and risk taking.
The paper attempts to explain the entrepreneurial paradigm which s the concepts of the activities of entrepreneurial events, as well as all variables of entrepreneurial companies (such as situational, social and individual) identified with those events. The question arises: What leads to the creation of new entrepreneurial events? Whether it is information, new events that conditionally can disturb the work of continual growth and development or some new social situation. Basically, all actions taken should depend on: (1) the perception of goals and business strategy, (2) the ability to achieve desired values and (3) key factors of the quality of feasibility. The implementation of the given paradigm in entrepreneurial practice is the basis of managerial and leadership activities in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial initiatives. The effects of the given paradigm lie in its application on the basis of historical examples and on the basis of future research. Управление на бизнес промени детерминанти икономическа ефективност предприемачески събития иновации парадигми.Business change management determinants economic efficiency entrepreneurial events innovation paradigms.Yousef Mohamed Ali Ramadan Salih Šutković Daniela Todorova Nada Živanović BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Wiley, J & Sons, I. (2019).,Conceptual and Empirical Challenges in the Study of Firm Growth, SAD, pp.35. [2] Johansson, A. (2015)., ’’5 Ways to Get Others to Pull Your Ideas to Market’’, USA, p.16 [3] https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/247621... [4] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.... [5] Sexton, L. D. (2017).,The Intersection of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Research, SAD, pp.128. [6] https://papers.ssrn.com [7] https://doi.org/10.1002/9781405164214.ch3 [8] http://bonkingonamyth.files.wordpres.com [9] Kolev O., ”Analysis on the global market of investment gold before and in a financial crisis”, International scientific conference ”Management 2012”, 20 - 21 april 2012, Unoion University, Belgrade - Mladenovac, Republic of Serbia, ISBN 978 -86 -84909-73-4, p.358 - 362, , 2012г. [10] Kolev O., ”Biznes angelat”, kato forma za razvitie na malko i sredno predpriyatie ot transportniya sektor.”, Yubileyna nauchna konferentsiya ”Transportat v globalnata ikonomika”, 12 may 2011g., UNSS, ISBN 978-954-644-264-2, str. 277 - 284, , 2011g. ( [10] Колев О., ”Бизнес ангелът”, като форма за развитие на малко и средно предприятие от транспортния сектор.”, Юбилейна научна конференция ”Транспортът в глобалната икономика”, 12 май 2011г., УНСС, ISBN 978-954-644-264-2, стр. 277 - 284, , 2011г. ) [11] Kolev O., Raynov B.,”Primeren model za otsenka v izmenenieto na finansovo - ikonomichesko sastoyanie na transportno predpriyatie v prodalzhenie na dalag period ot vreme”, sp. „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“, tom. 15, broy 3/1, godina 2017, statiya № 1461, ISSN 1312 – 3823 /print/, str. III – 58 – III – 63, 2017g. ( [11] Колев О., Райнов Б.,”Примерен модел за оценка в изменението на финансово - икономическо състояние на транспортно предприятие в продължение на дълъг период от време”, сп. „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“, том. 15, брой 3/1, година 2017, статия № 1461, ISSN 1312 – 3823 /print/, стр. III – 58 – III – 63, 2017г. ) [12] Alashka R., Mihalev D. – Metodika za analiz na ikonomicheski pokazateli na firma i biznes strategiya za neynoto razvitie, XX Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya "TRANSPORT 2011" ISSN 1312-3823 ( [12] Алашка Р., Михалев Д. – Методика за анализ на икономически показатели на фирма и бизнес стратегия за нейното развитие, XX Международна научна конференция "ТРАНСПОРТ 2011" ISSN 1312-3823 ) [13] Mihalev D., Alashka R. „Obobshten metod na Nyuton i zadachi za optimalno razpolagane na tochkovi obekti”, Nauchno spisanie "Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii” 3/2014. ISSN 1312-3823 ( [13] Михалев Д., Алашка Р. „Обобщен метод на Нютон и задачи за оптимално разполагане на точкови обекти”, Научно списание "Механика Транспорт Комуникации” 3/2014. ISSN 1312-3823 ) |