Scientific paper ID 1898 : 2019/3
![]() FACEBOOK USAGE FOR MARKETING MESUREMENTS (By the example of courier services providers in Bulgaria)
Dimitar Kolev, Ivan Petkov In recent years, social media, and in particular social networks, have been recognized as an extremely important channel for disseminating marketing information and analyzing it. Due to the fact that there is a specific targeting of a certain group of users and the possibility of their involvement with the company`s activities, which brings more efficiency than traditional marketing. They are also considered to be an extremely inexpensive marketing tool with enormous potential for outreaching consumers, enabling organizations with small budgets to achieve high results. This article delves into measuring the dynamics of fan activity on the Facebook pages of courier services providers in Bulgaria by key indicators for 2018 - SPEEDY AD and Econt Express EOOD. For this purpose, the main categories of user activity - likes, comments and shares - are used. A comparative analysis with a leading Facebook page of another organization (DHL) has been done. On this basis, some main conclusions and recommendations are drawn for the engagement of the users in the chosen social network and the better presentation of the analyzed pages.
Фейсбук страница Фейсбук активност фенска страница контент харесвания коментари споделяния социална мрежаFacebook page Facebook activity fan page content likes comments shares social networkDimitar Kolev Ivan Petkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Choi, J., Kim, Y. The moderating effects of gender and number of friends on the relationship between self-presentation and brand-related word-of-mouth on Facebook. // Personality and individual differences (68), 2014, p. 1-5 [2]Mobile Facebook, Twitter, Social Media Usage Statistics in Bulgaria, « https://www.statsmonkey.com/table/21310-bul... [3] Internet Stats and Facebook Usage in Europe, November 2015, « http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats4.ht... [4] Kolev, D., Stanev, E. FACEBOOK USAGE FOR MARKETING MESUREMENTS (By the example of meat industry organizations in Bulgaria). //e-journal Dialogue, 2, 2013, p. 72-82 [5] Feysbuk stranitsa na Spidi, https://www.facebook.com/speedy.bg/ ( [5] Фейсбук страница на Спиди, https://www.facebook.com/speedy.bg/ ) [6] Feysbuk stranitsa na Ekont Ekspres, https://www.facebook.com/EcontExpress ( [6] Фейсбук страница на Еконт Експрес, https://www.facebook.com/EcontExpress ) [7] Feysbuk stranitsa na DHL Bulgaria, https://www.facebook.com/dhl ( [7] Фейсбук страница на DHL Bulgaria, https://www.facebook.com/dhl ) |