Scientific paper ID 1897 : 2019/3

Stoina Kostova

The article reviews strengthening of excavations, building pits and схъвсхеа terrains used in modern construction. In urban construction, the right choice and calculation of strengthening near to other buildings or streets that need to be protected from collapse is essential. In case of difference in levels in mountain terrains, roads and railways, strengthening structures may also be used. Consideration is given of excavations in sandy soils and peculiarities of the Eurocode 7-1 [1] calculations. Sandy soils are common in the Sofia city . The application of different types of strengthening structures depends on: the type of soil, the depth of the excavations, the availability of water, etc. An example of a strengthening structure in sandy soils is given. It is determined the load of earth pressure that the strengthening assume. To determine the maximum moment in the construction, the Bloom graphical method is used. To reduce the forces in the reinforcement structure and the depth of its impact, anchors or other types of anchoring elements may be used. The depth of strengthening and the maximum moment in the reinforcement with characteristic and design values by using calculation approach 2 (DA 2) of [1] were determined. This approach has been accepted for calculation of strengthening structures in our country. The obtained results are compared.

укрепителни конструкции песъчливи почви пилоти Еврокод 7-1 графично решение по Блум.reinforcing structures sandy soils piles Eurocode 7-1 Bloom`s graphic method.Stoina Kostova


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