Scientific paper ID 1892 : 2019/3
Galina Cherneva, Anton Antonov Mechatronic modules in the form of information-sensing, executive and control devices are an integral part of machines, instruments and systems in all areas of modern production. They combine mechanical, electronic and computer structures and create new generation machines.
In the present work through Simulink / Matlab program has modeled and simulated a single-circuit system for regulating the speed of a DC motor. A prototype in the proposed model has been used a mini-induction DC motor with independent excitation, which is wide application in different robot-technical complexes, electric vehicles, etc. The motor control is realized by a power regulator, executed as a reverse width- pulse converter. A regulator with a proportional integral control law (PI regulator) is selected to control the converter. All parameters of the simulation modules are calculated from the engine data. The gain factors of the proportional and integral parts of the PI regulator are also determined. The model simulation provides graphs of the current variation and engine speed when loading load in the shaft at different times. The proposed simulation model of the mechatronic module for speed control of the DC motor with an independent excitation can be used both for training in different training in the field of electrical engineering and electronics, as well as for research purposes. постояннотоков двигател с независимо възбуждане Matlab Simulink предавателна функция.independent excitation dc motor Matlab Simulink transfer function.Galina Cherneva Anton Antonov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Isaev Ya., G. Pavlov, L. Sekulov. Proektirane i razrabotvane na laboratoren stend na impulsen regulator za upravlenie na mikrodvigatelni tyagovi elektrozadvizhvaniya. Sp. „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii” t.4, br.1, 2015g., str. H-12-H-19 ( [1] Исаев Я., Г. Павлов, Л. Секулов. Проектиране и разработване на лабораторен стенд на импулсен регулатор за управление на микродвигателни тягови електрозадвижвания. Сп. „Механика, транспорт, комуникации” т.4, бр.1, 2015г., стр. Х-12-Х-19 ) [2] Krishnan R., Electric Motor Drives, Modeling, Analysis and Control, Pearson Ed., 2003. [3] Lichev R. Proektirane na poluprovodnikovi elektrozadvizhvaniya, Sofiya, 2005g ( [3] Личев Р. Проектиране на полупроводникови електрозадвижвания, София, 2005г ) [4] www.dynamo-bg.com [5] Angelov A. D. Dimitrov. Elektricheski mashini. Chast1. Tehnika, 1976g. ( [5] Ангелов А. Д. Димитров. Електрически машини. Част1. Техника, 1976г. ) [6] Ivanov S. Elektronni regulatori. Sofiya, 2008. ( [6] Иванов С. Електронни регулатори. София, 2008. ) [7] Dimitrov V., Razrabotvane na laboratorna sistema za izpitvane na elektrodvigateli, nauchno spisanie “Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 13, broy 3/3, 2015, statiya № 1246 ( [7] Димитров В., Разработване на лабораторна система за изпитване на електродвигатели, научно списание “Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, том 13, брой 3/3, 2015, статия № 1246 ) [8] Dimitrov V., P. Kostadinov, M. Zlatkov, Control system for laboratory DC electrical drive with pulse-width regulation, International Scientific Conference “UNITECH 2018”, Gabrovo, 16-17.11.2018, Proceedings, ISSN 1313-230X, pp. I-121 – I-125 |