Scientific paper ID 1891 : 2019/3
Roman V. Petrov, Oleg V. Sokolov, Viktor S. Leontiev, Gennadiy A. Semenov, Sergey N. Ivanov, Alena R. Petrova, Mirza I. Bichurin, Slavcho T. Bozhkov, Ivan K. Milenov The paper is devoted to the study of the magnetoelectric effect in asymmetric and symmetric magnetoelectric gradient structures based on Metglas / Ni / PZT designed for use in the automotive industry. The asymmetric gradient structures have a higher value of the magnetoelectric coefficient at the bending resonance mode, which is confirmed by the conducted studies. The obtained values of the magnetoelectric coefficient for Metglas / Ni / PZT structure reaches 90 V/(cm·Oe). The magnitude of the bias field in the studied gradient magnetoelectric structures was reduced from 55 Gs to 0 Gs. The studied structures can be applied to the development of automotive crankshaft position sensors, or any other position sensors. Self-biased or gradient material is a two-phase composition of magnetostrictive material with a gradient of magnetization, and ferroelectric material with a gradient of polarization, which connected to each other. Self-biased magnetoelectric sensors have a number of advantages over traditional ones, in particular they have higher sensitivity, smaller dimensions and weight, provide operation without additional energy sources. The magnetoelectric crankshaft position sensor is structurally a magnetoelectric element with an electronic signal processing circuit located in the immediate vicinity of the crankshaft pulley or a disk with magnets attached to it.
Ключевые слова: самонамагниченная магнитоэлектрическая структура автомобильные датчикиself-biased magnetoelectric structure automotive sensorsRoman V. Petrov Oleg V. Sokolov Viktor S. Leontiev Gennadiy A. Semenov Sergey N. Ivanov Alena R. Petrova Mirza I. Bichurin Slavcho T. Bozhkov Ivan K. Milenov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] R.V. Petrov, M.I. Bichurin, V.S. Leontiev, N.A. Kolesnikov, S.T. Bozhkov, L.G. Stanev, V.T. Pacheliev, I.K. Milenov, P.T. Bozhkov., The crankshaft position sensor based on magnetoelectric materials. Proceedings of IEEE-PEMC 2016, 978-1-5090-1797-3/16 IEEE. [2] Oleg Sokolov, Mirza Bichurin, Roman Petrov, Su-Chul Yang., Magnetoelectric Effect in Self-bias Gradient Structure CoFe2O4/Ni/BaTiO3 with 0-3 Connectivity, 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 441 012037. [3] M. Bichurin and V. Petrov, “Modeling of Magnetoelectric Effects in Composites”. Springer Series in Materials Science 201, 2014, 108 р. [4] Bichurin M.I., Kiliba Yu.V. Petrov R.V., Datchiki elektromagnitnogo polya, Sbornik trudov VIII Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferentsii, N. Novgorod, NGTU. T. 2, 1996. S. 324. ( [4] Бичурин М.И., Килиба Ю.В. Петров Р.В., Датчики электромагнитного поля, Сборник трудов VIII Всероссийской научно-технической конференции, Н. Новгород, НГТУ. Т. 2, 1996. С. 324. ) [5] I.N. Solovev, A.N. Solovev, R.V. Petrov, D.V. Kovalenko, M.I. Bichurin, Datchiki elektromagnitnogo polya, Sbornik trudov Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferentsii Mikroelektronika SVCh, Sankt-Peterburg 4–7 iyunya 2012 g. ( [5] И.Н. Соловьев, А.Н. Соловьев, Р.В. Петров, Д.В. Коваленко, М.И. Бичурин, Датчики электромагнитного поля, Сборник трудов Всероссийской научно-технической конференции Микроэлектроника СВЧ, Санкт-Петербург 4–7 июня 2012 г. ) [6] Bichurin M.I., Petrov V.M., Semenov G.A., Magnetoelectric material for components of radioelectronic devices, 2009, Patent RU2363074C1. [7] Petrov V.M., Bichurin M.I., Magnitoelektricheskiy effekt v simmetrichnykh i asimmetrichnykh magnitostriktsionno-piezoelektricheskikh sloistykh strukturakh, Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. – 2013. – № 4, URL: www.science-education.ru/110-9602 |