Scientific paper ID 1888 : 2019/3
Dimitar Dimitrov, Antony Grancharov The management and protection of the information systems in each organization, as well as the data in them, is a very high priority. Information systems in academic organizations are generally lower in budgetary terms, but they are nevertheless linked to a number of ments regarding the protection of personal data, the provision of reliable financial operations and the provision of a range of information services related to their overall activity. This makes the task of providing the protection and management of academic information systems a real challenge.
This report presents the approach used in the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport for providing and managing the traffic and the security of the information systems and the data in them. This approach is based on the long-term evolution of these technologies, using today`s Cloud-based virtualization and information systems management solutions. информационна сигурност информационни системи интернет компютърни системи и мрежи системи за детектиране на интрузия.information security information systems internet computer systems and networks intrusion detection systems.Dimitar Dimitrov Antony Grancharov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitrov D., Model za izgrazhdane na integrirani informatsionni sistemi za upravlenie na universiteti, , Izdatelstvo na VTU „Todor Kableshkov“, ISBN 978-954-12-0248-7, https://ddimitrov.vtu.bg/miiisuu.pdf, Sofiya, 2018g. ( [1] Димитров Д., Модел за изграждане на интегрирани информационни системи за управление на университети, , Издателство на ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков“, ISBN 978-954-12-0248-7, https://ddimitrov.vtu.bg/miiisuu.pdf, София, 2018г. ) [2] Dimitrov D., Implementation of Contemporary Technologies in Virtualization and Construction of an Information Cloud of Systems for University Needs in the Field of Transport Education, , Proceedings of International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education – ICAICTSEE-2014, UNWE, Sofia, 2014. [3] Dimitrov D., System for monitoring of the university computer network performance, , Proceedings of International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education – ICAICTSEE-2012, UNWE, Sofia, 2012. [4] Dimitrov D., Logichesko razvitie na mrezhata v universitetski kampus, , Sbornik dokladi na mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya ”Prilozhenie na informatsionnite i komunikatsionni tehnologii v ikonomikata i obrazovanieto”, ICAICTEE-2011, UNSS, Sofiya, 2011 g. ( [4] Димитров Д., Логическо развитие на мрежата в университетски кампус, , Сборник доклади на международна научна конференция ”Приложение на информационните и комуникационни технологии в икономиката и образованието”, ICAICTEE-2011, УНСС, София, 2011 г. ) [5] Dimitrov D., Proektirane i izgrazhdane na avtonomna sistema za kompleksno razprostranenie na internet uslugi v universitetski kampus, , Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, broy 3, 2011 g., statiya № 0641, 2011 g. ( [5] Димитров Д., Проектиране и изграждане на автономна система за комплексно разпространение на интернет услуги в университетски кампус, , Научно списание „Механика Транспорт Комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, брой 3, 2011 г., статия № 0641, 2011 г. ) [6] Grancharov А., Application model for developing and applying of university information systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education – ICAICTSEE-2017, UNWE, Sofia [7] https://www.proxmox.com/ [8] https://mikrotik.com/thedude [9] https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana [10] http://netmon.acad.bg/ [11] https://www.ubuntu.com/ [12] https://www.ispconfig.org/ |