Scientific paper ID 1882 : 2019/3
Andrey Karapetkov, Ivan Petrov The use of renewable energy in recent years has been a priority in the field of energy. It has been significantly improved, and new technologies are being developed to exploit different types of alternative sources of electricity (RES) in many countries around the world. For this reason, the report reviews the types of alternative energy sources and provides a comparative energy analysis of the energy they produce. The main non-renewable sources of energy such as oil, gas, coal - have been studied in literature, with a brief deion of each of them. The main renewable energy sources have also been studied in science literature. Thy all of the non-fossil fuels and energy sources, e.g. solar energy, wind energy, running water energy, geothermal energy, biomass for energy processing, biogas, tidal energy, hydrogen fuel and combined cogeneration systems . The methods, advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed and described. The perspectives for the use of renewable energy sources in Bulgaria are also mentioned, as well as the possibilities for their economically effective use are analyzed. Following the energy analysis, relevant conclusions are made and are described at the end of the report. Practical applications in practice are also reported.
ВЕИ когенерация слънчева енергия сравнителен анализ алтернативни източници на електроенергия.RES cogeneration solar energy benchmarking alternative sources of electricityAndrey Karapetkov Ivan Petrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Proizvodstvo i dostavki na energiyni produkti. Proizvodstvo i dostavki na elektricheska energiya. Natsionalen statisticheski institut ( [1] Производство и доставки на енергийни продукти. Производство и доставки на електрическа енергия. Национален статистически институт ) [2] КОМИСИЯТА ЗА ЕНЕРГИЙНО И ВОДНО РЕГУЛИРАНЕ [3] АГЕНЦИЯ ЗА УСТОЙЧИВО ЕНЕРГИЙНО РАЗВИТИE |