Scientific paper ID 1877 : 2019/3
Martin Zlatkov, Antoaneta Kirova, Irena Bozhichkova, Petko Kostadinov In recent years, the price of electricity has risen every 6 months. This has prevented emerging LED technologies from lowering electricity bills for consumers. However, lowering the power consumption of lighting and other appliances made it possible to power them from renewable alternative energy sources such as sun, wind, water and more.
The report proposes the idea of installing two types of alternative sources - wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. There is an energy balance between consumption and production. The percentage of electricity produced from different renewable energy sources is calculated. The report has made an innovative proposal to build a complex of energy sources (many small wind generators and solar panels) to partially or fully provide the energy needs of a building. The installation is tailored to the needs and technical possibilities of the building. The economic effect of building the system has been calculated. The economics to be realized by different types of energy sources and the effect of their joint work are calculated. Together with the calculation formulas, examples of calculations are made and for a specific building with wind turbines and solar panels installed on it. The lowest price configuration for solar panels is proposed as well as a way to reduce the cost of the respective wind turbines. Ветрогенератор вятър турбина генератор енергийна ефективност витла соларен панел фотоволтаик възобновяеми енергийни източници ветрогенераторна системаWind turbine generator energy efficiency propellers solar panel photovoltaic renewabMartin Zlatkov Antoaneta Kirova Irena Bozhichkova Petko Kostadinov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] https://www.otoplenie.eu/testvat-nova-smart... [2] https://www.google.com/maps/place/Visshe%20... ( [2] https://www.google.com/maps/place/Висше%20т... ) [3] https://www.meteoblue.com/bg/vremeto/histor... ( [3] https://www.meteoblue.com/bg/времето/histor... ) [4] https://solarhouse.bg/produkt [5] https://solarhouse.bg/wp-content/uploads/20... [6] http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/apps4/pves... [7] http://www.filkab.com [8] https://markita.net/kvadratna-traba-60402.h... [9] XXIV-ta mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya 2019.10.10 - „Godishno proizvodstvo na malak vetrogenerator spored skorostta na vyatarya“ ( [9] XXIV-та международна научна конференция 2019.10.10 - „Годишно производство на малък ветрогенератор според скоростта на вятъря“ ) [10] https://www.enfsolar.com/pv/panel-datasheet... [11] http://www.cez-rp.bg/bg/za-klienta/prisuedi... [12] Milenov I., V. Dimitrov, Design of Photovoltaic plant for research purposes in University of Transport – Sofia, XLVIII Int. Sc. Conf. ICEST 2013, Proceedings of Papers, Vol. 2, pp. 767-770 [13] V. Dimitrov, E. Dimitrova. Razrabotvane na SCADA sistema za monitoring i upravlenie na energiyniya protses v biznes sgrada – izbor na elementi i ustroystva, Godishnik na TU – Sofiya, t. 68, kn. 1, 2018, str. 325-332 ( [13] В. Димитров, E. Димитровa. Разработване на SCADA система за мониторинг и управление на енергийния процес в бизнес сграда – избор на елементи и устройства, Годишник на ТУ – София, т. 68, кн. 1, 2018, стр. 325-332 ) [14] Dimitrova E., SCADA-cistemi za sgradna avtomatizatsiya, N.sp. “Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, tom 14, broy 3/2, 2016 g., str. H-26 – H-31 ( [14] Димитрова Е., SCADA-cистеми за сградна автоматизация, Н.сп. “Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, том 14, брой 3/2, 2016 г., стр. Х-26 – Х-31 ) [15] Milenov I., V. Dimitrov, Fotosolarna instalatsiya za nauchnoizsledovatelski tseli, N. sp. “Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, tom 11, broy 3, 2013 g., str.H-26 – H-33 ( [15] Миленов И., В. Димитров, Фотосоларна инсталация за научноизследователски цели, Н. сп. “Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, том 11, брой 3, 2013 г., стр.Х-26 – Х-33 ) [16] Dimitrova E., Sintez na sistemi za monitoring i upravlenie na slozhni tehnicheski obekti s tsel osiguryavane na maksimalna efektivnost, N.sp. „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“, tom 12, br.3/2, 2014, str. XI-75 – XI-80 ( [16] Димитрова Е., Синтез на системи за мониторинг и управление на сложни технически обекти с цел осигуряване на максимална ефективност, Н.сп. „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“, том 12, бр.3/2, 2014, стр. XI-75 – XI-80 ) |