Scientific paper ID 1876 : 2019/3

Georgi Dimitrov

The rapid development of LED technologies has created preconditions for their widespread use in the construction of new and the reconstruction of existing indoor and outdoor lighting systems. The power supply and control of LEDs from AC networks is made using specialized input impulse converters, which often consume electric current with a total harmonic distortion /THD/ over 100% and operate with low power factor /PF/.

The report presented results of a research on the possibilities for using standard electromagnetic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps as reactive power compensation devices. The experiments the main lighting fixtures with tubular LED lamps used in the reconstruction of indoor lighting in public buildings, schools, metro stations, railway stations and others.

Special attention is paid to the influence of electromagnetic ballasts on basic quality indicators of electricity consumption and in particular on the harmonics contents in the current and total power factor. Object of the research is also the influence of the connected inductances on the generation of increased voltage, supplied to the power converters for LED, due to the presence of capacitors in their input circuit and the occurrence of electrical resonance. The results of the study are presented in tabular and graphical form. An analysis of the effects achieved has been made and relevant conclusions and recommendations have been formulated.

Светодиодно осветление; Компенсиране на реактивната мощност чрез електромагнитни дросели; Енергийни ефекти.LED Lighting; Compensation of reactive power with electromagnetic ballasts; Energy effects.Georgi Dimitrov


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