Scientific paper ID 1869 : 2019/3
Georgi Pavlov, Lybomir Sekulov, Georgi Dimitrov, Martina Tomcheva Design and operation of energy efficient electric transport vehicles will help to achieve the key priorities of the strategy “Europe 2020”. The main objective is the introduction of new technologies for creating environmentally friendly vehicles and reduce their dependence on traditional fuels.
Sofia city has the largest and most complicated urban transport system in Bulgaria. It s different modes of transport – buses, trams, trolleybuses and metro. Since the end of 2018 in the city of Sofia have been in operation 20 electric buses model Yutong E12LF, manufacture of company Zhengzhou Yutong Group Co. Ltd. The electric bus Yutong E12LF is 100% electric - its drive and all auxiliary and HVAC systems are powered by a Li-ion rechargeable battery. At the end of 2019 the company ”Sofia Public Electrical Transport” is expected to put into operation another model electric bus Yutong, which however is powered by supercapacitors. In the report an analyzes the technical parameters and characteristics of the exploited models electric buses in Sofia city as well the main results of the conducted experimental research of their energy efficiency, are presented. The research was conducted using an appropriate microprocessor measuring technique according to an original and specially developed methodology. An analysis of the obtained results, on the basis of which are formulated specific recommendations for increasing the energy efficiency of this vehicles, are presented. Градски електрически транспорт електрически автобуси енергийна ефективност.Urban electric transport Electric buses Energy efficiency.Georgi Pavlov Lybomir Sekulov Georgi Dimitrov Martina Tomcheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Vasilev P., Bus fleet investment through deployment of Low Emission Vehicles – Presentation of Sofia Autobus Company („Stolichen Autotransport” EAD), 24 April 2018, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest, 2018 [2] Dimitrov V., Metodologiya za izsledvane na senzori, spetsifichni za savremenni elektricheski transportni sredstva, Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 12, broy 1, 2014 g. statiya № 0933, str. X-14–X-19 ( [2] Димитров В., Методология за изследване на сензори, специфични за съвременни електрически транспортни средства, Научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, том 12, брой 1, 2014 г. статия № 0933, стр. X-14–X-19 ) [3] E12 (ZK6128BEVG) City buses YUTONG, Bus parameters, WEB Site: https://en.yutong.com/products/E12(ZK6128BE... (polzvan na 18.06.2019) ( [3] E12 (ZK6128BEVG) City buses YUTONG, Bus parameters, WEB Site: https://en.yutong.com/products/E12(ZK6128BE... (ползван на 18.06.2019) ) [4] New Energy Buses & Solutions - YUTONG, OPERATING CASES AT HOME AND ABROAD, WEB Site: https://en.yutong.com/z/newenergybus/ (polzvan na 10.07.2019) ( [4] New Energy Buses & Solutions - YUTONG, OPERATING CASES AT HOME AND ABROAD, WEB Site: https://en.yutong.com/z/newenergybus/ (ползван на 10.07.2019) ) |