Scientific paper ID 1867 : 2019/3
Miglena Slavova Hydrail is a generic name describing all forms of rail vehicles that use hydrogen as an energy source. Hydrail vehicles convert the chemical energy of hydrogen into electrical when hydrogen is connected with oxygen. Potential applications of hydrail all types of rail transport: passenger and freight rail, light rail, rail mining, industrial rail systems, trams, special railway vehicles in parks and museums.
In 2012, the first commercial hWorkhorse diesel locomotives designed for mines iydrail vehicles were produced - five 3.6-tonne Little Workhorse hydrogen locomotives designed for mines in the Republic of South Africa. On October 2017 in Hebei province in Tangshan, the tramway powered by hydrogen fuel cells was launched in commercial operation. In September 2018, the world`s first hydrogen-powered merchant-passenger train headed off in Lower Saxony, Germany. хидреил горивни клетки водород релсови превозни средстваhydrail fuel cells hydrogen rail vehiclesMiglena Slavova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] E Morgan, Int. Railway J., 48/9 (2008)40 [2] D Graham-Rowe, Nature 454, 1036-1037 (2008), doi:10.1038/4541036a [3] JR Minkel, IEEE Spectrum, 43/8 (2006), DOI: 10.1109/MSPEC.2006.1665046 [4] WD Jones, IEEE Spectrum, 46/9 (2009), DOI: 10.1109/MSPEC.2009.5210050 [5] WD Jones, IEEE Spectrum, 43/8 (2006), DOI: 10.1109/MSPEC.2006.1665045 [6] MA Delucchi, MZ Jacobson, Energy Policy, 39/3 (2011) 1170-1190, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2010.11.045... [7] GD Marin, GF Naterer, K Gabriel, Int. J. Hydr. Energy, 35/12 (2010) 6097-6107, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.03.... [8] S Thompson, The Mooresville, NC Hydrail Initiative (2019): https://hydrail.appstate.edu/node/44 [9] WD Jones, IEEE Spectrum, 8 (2006) [10] D Shirres, railengineer.uk, (2018) [11] MG Pandev, DE Vladikova, P Lucchesse, KL Angelieva, BI Abrashev, ZB Stoynov, Bulg. Chem. Comm., 49C (2017) 84 [12] D Shirres, Rail Eng., 1 (2018) [13] MH Akhoundzadeh, K Raahemifar, S Panchal, E Samadani, E Haghi, R Fraser, M Fowler, World Electr. Veh. J. 10/2 (2019)32, https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj10020032 [14] B Abrashev, T Spassov, M Pandev, S Vassilev, A Popov, Bulg. Chem. Comm., 49(2017)247 [15] B Abrashev, S Bliznakov, A Popov, NATO Science Series, II Mathematics, Physics, 6/223 (2006) 463 [16] K Iwamoto, Asian Rev., 12 (2017) [17] E O`Dowd, SmartRail World, 12 (2017) [18] M Slavova, Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii, 15/3 (2017) http://mtc-aj.com/library/1481.pdf ( [18] M Slavova, Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации, 15/3 (2017) http://mtc-aj.com/library/1481.pdf ) [19] Y Yi, Xinhuanet, 10/27 (2017) [20] D Shirres, Prof. Eng. Magazine, 4 (2019) [21] https://www.alstom.com/press-releases-news/... |